Scientific name: Lavandula angustifolia
Common name: English lavender
Family name: Laminaceae
Useful cultivars and selections:
USDA hardiness zone: 5
Mature height and spread: 0.4-0.7m height, 0.6-1m wide
Form: oval, dense
Water use: moderate
Soil requirements: well-drained
Leaf arrangement: simple. opposite
Fall colour: silver, grey
Flower/cone/fruit description: spiky flowers, blue. Brown nut.
Limitations: woody stems. Needs good drainage and full sun.
Suitable uses: hardiest of lavender species. Great flowers and grows fast.
Quick ID: Evergreen. Shrub. Simple. Opposite. Leathery. Lavender smell. Back of leaves white; long leaves and short ones in between. Very fully of leaves on tip.