Clematis armandii

Scientific name: Clematis armandii

Common name:  evergreen clematis

Family name: Ranunculaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 3-5m tall, 2-3m wide

Form: Spreading and climbing

Water use: Moderate

Soil requirements: Well-drained

Leaf arrangement: Compound. Opposite.

Fall colour: None.

Flower/cone/fruit description: Cyme flowers; white and showy. Achene seed.

Limitations: Needs sheltered location.

Suitable uses: Screening. Winter use. Twinning vine (needs trellis).

Quick ID: Evergreen. Vine. Compound (trifoliate). Smooth margins. Opposite. Oblanceolate (very long leaves). Each leaflet has 3 prominent veins.

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