Posted by: | 9th Jul, 2011

Note #1: Course Registration

I’m currently waiting patiently for my course selection date on July 19th so I can pick my courses for my second year @ UBC Arts. As a UBC student you’ll be given a custom course registration start date and time, which can be found at your SSC Student Service Centre. Typically it goes in this order and this school year (Winter 2011-2012) is no different :

UBC also gives the benefit to select courses for the ENTIRE Winter semesters (Sept- Dec / Jan- April) at the time of registration. Individual registration start times are dependent on your GPAs. Personally I was thoroughly disappointed in my first year performance, however the date I was given wasn’t that bad for sophomores.

A great tool that I’ve come to rely on is the worklist on the UBC Course Selection website. It’s helped me immensely in organizing my courses instead of creating spread sheets on Excel. Currently I have 3 worklists in the works:


With Arts, I get the opportunities to take a variety of courses. There are only a few simple requirements undergrads must complete in UBC Arts before graduation, allowing students the freedom to explore their studies in depth and participate in school activities the rest of the time. I’ve always been one of those students who enjoys learning from across the spectrum, from humanities to sciences.  My course schedule this year is actually quite different than last year’s, considering I got to complete the Science courses ( Math and Physics ) that I liked in the summer. Usually I enjoy mixing courses from the faculties of Arts and Sciences together so I won’t get bored, but this year I only have my Arts courses to complete 🙂

I’m very much looking forward to this year, as I get to expand on my knowledge and head in a direction towards my major in architecture. First year gave the opportunities to really immerse myself as a UBC student and get comfortable in my new surroundings. Now I’m excited to begin further extensive studies so I can get one step close to establish my professional career.

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