

Call me an organized, meticulous freak but I get giddy when it comes to course selection and planning. (It’s better than Christmas + Birthdays + Chinese New Years combined) Long before I was accepted to UBC, I began researching about all the different courses which applied to my degree and profession or were of interest to me. Long story short: spread sheets were made, tabs were scribbled on and erased, and endless work was put towards creating an ideal plan for my undergraduate degree during my spare time. Much have remained the same since and alternative career plans were soon created and mapped out as well.

First Year

Winter 2010 Semester One

  • ASTU 150 (3) – Art Studies in Writing
  • MATH 180 (4) – Differential Calculus with Physical Applications
  • PHYS 107 (3) – Enriched Physics I
  • FREN 122 (3) – Contemporary French Language and Literature I

Spring 2011 Semester Two

  • FREN 123 (3) – Contemporary French Language and Literature II
  • GEOB 102 (3) – Our Changing Environment: Climate and Ecosystems
  • GEOG 122 (3) – Geography, Modernity, and Globalization II
  • ENGL 110 (3) – Approaches to Literature
  • MATH 101 (3) – Integral Calculus with Applications to Physical Sciences and Engineering

Summer 2011 Semester One

  • MATH 200 (3) – Calculus III

I thoroughly enjoyed my first year. All of the courses that I selected helped me immensely to ease into university. Most of my professors, TAs, and lecturers were extremely helpful in providing much constructive criticism and advice. It is of an importance to me to be able to balance liberal arts and science courses; this allows me to have an enriched education. UBC Arts’ Reading and Writing requirement through ASTU 150 (or ENGL 100) provided me with much confidence in understanding university writing strategies and styles. I had never felt so comfortable tackling on essays and term papers 🙂

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