United Nations is an intergovernmental organization formed on the 24th October 1945 after the world war two has two main objectives, to foster social and economic development as well as protecting the environment. I believe that even if the United Nations were fully funded, it still needs knowledge from the Arc Initiative and social enterprise to contribute to its operations and success.

Arc initiative works with different communities to exchange knowledge, develop business management skills and leadership capacity. While social enterprise applies commercial strategies to maximize the human and environmental well-being rather than just maximizing the profits. These qualities blended together enhance the objectives of United Nations.  For instance the launch of Africa Clean Cooking Energy Solution (ACCES) by United Nations incorporated the social enterprise when it used eco-friendly cook stoves. Tunu Ali, formerly an agricultural labourer, received entrepreneurship training, knowledge from arc initiative, and she has been able to use the advanced cook stoves for baking bread. ACCES aims to promote enterprise-based adoption of clean cooking solution across the sub-Saharan Africa.


This is a clear indication that even if the United Nation was financially stable, it still needs the arc initiative to come up with viable business ideas for new initiatives as well as the business management skills, which are crucial due to scarcity of resources.  The social enterprise will ensure that human rights and the environment are protected to promote the welfare of a given society, key responsibility of United Nations. What else could United Nation treasure more?




THE 10% INCREASE OF UBC INTERNATIONAL STUDENT TUITION- Response to a classmate’s Blog (Richard Wong)

Nothing can be more interesting than what affects your life directly. Being an open-minded soul, I always love getting perspectives from different people. Richard’s great blog on the 10% increase in tuition for the international students captured my attention. As Richard says, the main objective of raising the tuition is to improve facilities and academic experiences as well as boosting the university competitiveness and reputation.


Well, these conclusions by Richard could be accurate in a way; however, they are not justifiable according to me. Why did he join UBC in the first place if the school’s reputation wasn’t very attractive? The conclusions would also imply that facilities at UBC do not meet the required standards. As a current student, I know that UBC has modernized and up to date facilities ranging from supportive learning materials (library books), classrooms and recreational centres. And the rise of the residence fee by 20% will just be a great pinch to families’ pockets. Before UBC raising its prices it should consider that it is not a monopoly in the educational market of Canada, this might be a risky move.

Richard also stated that the higher tuition will be an incentive but not an obstacle. Presently, there are approximately 19% of international students in Vancouver Campus with the current tuition fee, what happens if it becomes more expensive? The increase in tuition fee will shrink their international target markets; the high-income families might resort to sending their children to best local Universities. Domestic students from low and middle-income families might also choose to send their children to affordable universities due to these increases, while a large part might consider the opportunity cost of taking full time jobs to attending university.

A change is as good as a rest and I am okay with that. The best change especially in this case should be that which is gradual, raising the tuition by 5% will be reasonable. It will give the administration time to deal with the unexpected outcomes compared to 10% increase.





Stressful employees at work will give out poor quality and low results; this might lead to great economic losses in the industry and as we all know, nobody loves poor returns. I couldn’t agree more with Rebecca Knight when she says that stress is contagious and inevitable at some point. It is therefore important to provide ways on how to handle the stress in the moment.

Not only is this experienced at work but also homes and schools. For instance, students worry too much on how to perform best in assignments, research papers and examinations, while this might seem normal, it is a major factor of stress. The remedies Rebecca Knight recommends on how to handle stress at work might just work perfect for students as well. In most cases, stress management are always long term –take yoga, eat healthier or get enough sleep but how can one regain control when faced with stress in the moment?


Dealing with stress in the moment contributes to better results and here is what to do. Identify the stress signals: might be stiffen neck, Palms sweat or stomach clenches. The ability to recognize these signs makes it easier to address the cause in order to alleviate the tension. Secondly, stressful situations can be counteracted by taking three deep breaths. You can talk yourself down when stress strikes.  Keep at bay the inner negative voice by injecting some positivity in thoughts.


These strategies have worked for me before, try them at school, home or work whenever stress creeps in and I promise they won’t disappoint. Good luck!

<<https://hbr.org/2014/11/how-to-handle-stress-in-the-moment>> by Rebecca Knight

Fraudulent Advertising: Red Bull does not actually “give you wings”- Response to a classmate’s Blog.

Interesting, valuable and resourceful so did I find Li Jin Xin’s blog on how red bull doesn’t actually give us wings. From Li Jin’s point of view, it was unethical for the red bull company to use a slogan “Red Bull gives you wing” because scientifically one does not grow wings by drinking red bull. This is very true.

I couldn’t agree more with Al Ries and Jack Trout however when they compared positioning to a battle for the mind. Consumers have information overload when it comes to advertisements and not all these information can be recalled by the consumers. I would however support the strategy used by Red Bull Company, since first information is more likely to be recalled, it should therefore be appropriate. The Red Bull advertisement designed its slogan to target the consumers’ power of imagination. The strategy which is rarely been used by other energy drinks or caffeinated companies, major competitors of Red Bull, could give Red Bull Company a competitive advantage. Imaginations evoke emotions and can therefore last longer in mind.


Using the slogan “Red Bull gives you wing”  makes the consumers for a moment imagine that they had wings and could actually fly. In this context, wings are used as metaphor to represent that fact that red bull provides high energy that can enable the consumers get to higher levels in their activities. I feel like the Red Bull advertisement is not fraudulent in this case since it has utilized the idea of imagination as a strategy to form long term memories in consumers’ minds.




First Nation’s, Pimicikamak people protest against Manitoba Jenpeg Hydro

A peaceful protest saw about 30 members of Pimicikamak first nation protest against the Jenpeg hydro generation station on Thursday, October 23rd 2014. The residents evicted the hydro employees from Jenpeg protesting that the Manitoba Government had failed to honour the Northern Flood Agreement signed in the 1970s. Mervin Garrick, a Pimicikamak council member said the protest was being taken to restore a fair relationship with his people because the government had failed to fulfil its promises, environmental clean-up, maximize employment for his people and eradicate mass poverty and unemployment.


Noting that 287 residents lacked power because Manitoba Hydro had cut them off when they could not to pay power bills, which is about $600 per month and among the highest in the province. This is more than frustrating to the Pimicikamak people.

Manitoba has been one of the peaceful provinces in Canada and has been economically active from time immemorial, however, their rights as a community has been violated when part of the land is used without their approval. Without the responsibility they took to preserve the natural resources the returns realized today could be dismal. They feel betrayed by the people they once agreed and signed treaties with. I must say the growth of a province and a nation at large can only be efficient if peace is embraced as well as respect. Therefore the Manitoba government should keep its part of bargain it signed years back. Construction of Jenpeg station will benefit its people if there is a mutual agreement between the two parties.


<<http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/first-nation-brings-hydro-protest-to-hq-280281572.html>> by Trevor Hagan


One way of a management to keep their best employees is having their social welfare at heart. Palo Alto Software; One of Oregon’s leading software that offers several software products and extensive library of free expert content to small business to grow and succeed. The management for introducing a creative strategy for its employees: flexible working hours and the privilege to carry their kids to work.


What does the business stand to gain anyways? In case you didn’t know, parents’ hearts are always on their children especially for the mothers. Allowing parents to bring their kids to work it would enable employees to channel their strengths toward the growth of the firm by working hard as result of having peace of mind when they are assured of their kids’ security. Secondly, the flexible conditions at work reduce the pressure on families to work rigidity and as we know work that adapt to family needs highly motivates employees.

Finally, employees can stay longer in such companies, which establishes trust and reliability of the company’s activities. Also the loyalty of workers makes a business to stand a better chance than its competitors. This generally creates a more family friendly clientele and kids are part of this success. This could also boost profits from the child care within its company, which is totally a desirable opportunity to venture into. Charity begins at home, a cliche that’s worn with age but true, these kids might turn out to be the most brilliant business minds in future.

Harvard Business Review Jul/Aug 2014, Vol. 92 Issue 7/8, p20-20. 2/3p. 1 by Schrock and Kelly


Well, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained when around other people but is not necessarily shy. According to Eddie Yoon, marketing needs more introverts since more power shifts to consumer and marketers will need to spend more time listening, reflecting and building fewer deeper relationships.


In the digital age, few organizations that are doing well in marketing use new tools to engage customers surface every day. The idea that most marketers should be better listeners is true since any successful communication requires receiving and transmitting messages. I however think that marketers should be both better listeners and better talkers. Listening is the key; it’s not whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Besides, marketers aim at convincing consumers that their products are the best and they should buying it: if the energy of an introvert is drained when around other people, how will this goal be achieved? It is possible but not reliable.

Suppose I was to apply for a marketing position in any organization and indicate that am an introvert, I bet my probability of getting the job will be minimal compared to another applicant who indicated that s/he is an extrovert and outgoing. From my point of view, Marketing needs introverts but more extroverts.


Harvard Business Review. Oct 2014, vol. 92 issue 10, p18-19. 2p by Balla John, Morgan Cynthia and Kaur Sheila. HBR article by Marc de Swaan Frank and Keith.





How hard can it be to form a good impression in a person’s mind? How about everyone in a city? These questions gave me an insight on how Positioning can be really challenging. As AL Ries and Jack Tout call it and I agree, it is without a doubt that Positioning is a battle for your mind. I decided to analyze the Position strategy of Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC). MEC has in the past done well at the sectioning its store with its selection of outdoor categories (Climbing, biking, hiking and cycling), located on the busy King Street in Toronto.

The latest MEC rebranding effort, which includes their new logo, campaign and brand platform called “Outsiders” leaves me second guessing, is the new name better for positioning the products? As David Labistour, the Chief Executive Officer at MEC says that they believe the greatest contribution they can make is to get people active. I expect that the new logo to be memorable and very descriptive of MEC’s products. I feel like most consumers are left confused by the name. For instance; the first impression I get from word Outsider is a popular magazine in my high school where I was one of the auditors or someone who’s an outlier.

The new logo “Outsider” is general and wide to be used by MEC. From my analysis, MEC can benefit from a well-developed name that focuses on a niche that is unoccupied in mind of consumers. Name logos for any product should aim at selling it.


Position Strategy, Concrete Designer Outsider by Carlos Garavito<http://strategyonline.ca/2013/09/19/mec-uses-consumer-motivations-to-inspire-a-rebrand/>




Management accounting scrutinizes the internal specifications of activities and controls different departments within the business. An exemplar  in the recent past of management that has been executed  is that of Tim Leiweke, the new Chief Executive Officer of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Ltd (MLSE). MLSE controls among others, the wildly popular leafs, Raptors, Toronto FC and Air Canada Centre; it was named the Canada’s ten most admired corporate cultures in 2012.

Air canada

The president, Mr. Leiweke opted to sponsor a Canadian retailer (Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd.) over a foreign-owned retailer. Mr. Tim Leiweke who has had 30 years of sports and entertainment experience had concrete reasons for choosing the Canadian Tire. First, Canadian Tire has unique asset of Canada and its culture as Mr. Leiweke confirms: These great cultures create a competitive advantage generates outstanding results all times. Secondly, for the Canadian Tire, the tie-in with hockey and other sports works well as the retailer wraps itself in the Canadian flag unlike the Target and other foreign players in the competitive marketplace.

In 10-years’ time, Canadian Tire will put its own and Sport Chek logos on center ice and in other locations, which will make it differentiate itself from newcomers like Target. From my view, MLSE has a visionary leader who through wise decisions will create a better future for MLSE Ltd. Which business wouldn’t be successful with a proper management?

The Globe and Mail Inc. Published Sep, 2013 by Phillip Crawley <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/marketing/canadian-tire-takes-over-as-mlse-sports-team-sponsor/article14207122/



The worst labour,child labour


Mining companies are booming in Africa, does using child labour to achieve this success justify their means? Globally, more than one million children are doing artisanal mining-poisonous work on the margins of the industry. Among the countries which face child labour are Congo, Mali, Nigeria and Tanzania. Coming from a place where gold is mined in Africa; I know the risks miners face. In Congo for instance, about 800,000 children toil in toxic open pits to haul copper or zinc in order to obtain tiny incomes. This is unethical for the mining companies, to benefit from the mines but show little interest in addressing child labour.

Mines expose children to poisoning and respiratory diseases at a tender age. As demonstrated by the disaster in Congo last week, many children lost their lives to falls, cave-ins and collapsed tunnels. The police ignore this illegal labour yet make efforts to enforce the law. So, what is their law?

A thousand of children suffer intoxication from dangerously high levels of mercury gas in mining towns while companies get rich, sad. There is hope as UNICEF-child Protection organization is providing subsidies to curb the rising child labour. My analysis, mining companies should set regulations to eliminate child labour. Show some humanity!



