Over the past 15 or so years, Apple has grown into one of the most renown and known companies in the world due to their innovative and applicable products. Their most popular product, the iPhone has sold upwards of 590 million units worldwide from 2007-2014 (from Statista), making it the most used line of cellular phones ever. This has created a crazed stigma in which everyone feels the need to own the newest upgraded iteration, without much regard to the lack of improvements that Apple puts into each successive product. What is happening here is an organizational behaviour and marketing effect deemed the “Halo Effect,” in which consumers feel inclined to buy other products from a brand based on the merit of their previously purchased products. In this case, Apple is riding the success of the revolutionary iPhone 3Gs as an example, in order to sell their new products. This halo effect is a massive strength of Apple, but it has also landed them massive amounts of criticism based on how they essentially resell the same base product, with few upgrades to ream as much revenue as possible. A commonly used phrase to describe each new models features is “having a new camera, and being thinner and lighter.” This trend has continued in their Macbook Pro and Air laptop product lines as well, but not to the extent of the iPhone. At the UBC Sauder School of Business, m
andatory classes make owning a laptop of paramount importance, so almost everyone owns an internet enabled device of some sort. The majority of these devices are Macbooks, and every time a new iteration is unveiled people feel inclined to upgrade. Whether or not people will realize the power of the Halo effect within Apple will determine how long they can keep the charade up before having to return to their creative and innovative roots in order to sell their products.
Bibliography (APA):
[iPhone sizes/colors]. (n.d.). Retrieved February 5, 2017, from http://images.apple.com/iphone/trade-up/images/og.jpg?201702022216
Apple iPhone sales 2007-2017. (n.d.). Retrieved February 05, 2017, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/263401/global-apple-iphone-sales-since-3rd-quarter-2007/
Dear iPhone 6 users: Welcome to 2012! [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved February 5, 2017, from http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/54117739eab8eaa42925dd35-960/why-iphone-6-should-be-embarrassed-compared-to-the-nexus-4.png
Dear Mr. Quinn Aquilini,
I have no idea who you are beyond finding a listing in iMdB and this blog*
But I do know your address was at 1818 Drummond Dr… Because I had your DL literally in my hand. Unfortunately, I did not have legal custody of the card or you would have it back by now.
The details get complicated, and I was untouched with VPD but the constable I ended up dealing with there behaved in a rather bizarre and abusive manner, so I dropped the issue until now.
One assumes you cancelled and replaced the ID card by now, but I take issue with the person that had it not taking any steps to return it you and preventing me from doing so.
If you want to follow up on thus, you may contact and we can meet up somewhere public or even at a police station.
If not, or if you are not the right Quinn Aquilini for that address, please accept my apology for what must seem a very weird message.
In any case please be assured that I am only trying to be a good citizen and neighbour and require nothing in return but to see a good outcome for everyone and anyone concerned.
I hope you were not the victim of identity theft, but if you were, perhaps I can provide concrete evidence that someone who definitely should not have had access to your personal identification did. That, for an “unconscionable” duration.
My sincere apologies for not finding you sooner, but as I said, I had already reached out to police with little result.
If you are for sure not the right Mr. Quinn, please let me know that too, as I can keep trying to contact them.
In Honour,
King N.
(*Aside from the famous last name of course, since I live and mostly work I the Lower Mainland and Francesco if that surname abdvrgevCabycjs are obviously in the news)