Outweek Supplement for Outweek

Below please find a message from an executive of Pride UBC – the organization hosting QUEER U 2013 and all of OUTWEEK.

Hello everyone! Every year, Pride UBC hosts a huge, week-long event called Outweek. The purpose of Outweek is to educate the public on the issues our community has faced and to celebrate the progress we’ve made thus far. The Ubyssey publishes a supplement along with the normal edition of the school paper that week to showcase what outweek is all about. This year’s theme for outweek is Beautiful Beings – It’s a celebration of all bodies, identities and non-identities, races, ethnicities, genders, abilities, and sexualities.

The Ubyssey needs our submissions a few weeks before the supplement is published in February in order to work out the formatting. That considered, the deadline for submission is January 18th. The deadline is coming up fast, so please send yours in ASAP!
This year’s Outweek Theme is: “Beautiful Beings: a celebration of all bodies, identities and non-identities, races, ethnicities, genders, abilities, and sexualities”.
Submissions can be poems, stories, opinion pieces, photo projects, drawings, comics, sheet music… any sort of media that can be printed. However, if you would like to submit something that doesn’t follow our theme, it may still be included.
Provided that your submission(s) adhere to the Safe Space rules outlined below, it’s pretty certain that your submission will be included in the supplement.
– Don’t make assumptions about people’s identities;
– Don’t make generalizations about people or groups of people;
– Challenge ideas – don’t attack specific people or groups of people;
– Share the floor – please try to keep written submissions to under 600 words; and
– Keep things confidential – don’t out anyone.
Submissions can be sent via email to prideubyssey@prideubc.com or slid under the door of the Pride UBC office if the office is closed. If our office is open, there will be a box on top of the grey filing cabinet marked “Pride Ubyssey” for your submissions.
Our office is located in room 245C of the SUB in the Resource Groups Centre which is on the 2nd floor behind the glass doors (which are covered in stickers and posters). We recognize that you may not feel comfortable disclosing your identity, so pseudonyms and anonymous submissions are allowed. If you wish to submit from an anonymous email, www.guerillamail.com can provide you with a temporary email address.

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