About us

We are a team of graduate students from the University of British Columbia, Brown University and from the University of Toronto, researching under the direction of Dr. Elisa Segnini (University of British Columbia)

Dr. Elisa Segnini, University of British Columbia

Stephanie Dreier, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia

Francesca Facchi, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

Gianluca Oluic, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia

Anna Santucci, PhD Candidate, Brown University

About the website:

The research at the basis of this website builds on the SSHRC funded project “Translating Culture for the Stage; the Case of Luigi Pirandello” developed by professors Segnini and Fulginiti.
  1. Target:
    • Scholars interested in exploring, researching and teaching this play and the issues of translation and identities within theatre and Pirandello;
    • Artists, scholars and theatre practitioners interested in producing new translations/ adaptions for diverse cultural and linguistic contexts
  2. Function:
    • To serve as research and pedagogical tool for the negotiation of identity in a transnational framework;
    • To foreground how cultural specificity is adapted and re-negotiated for a variety of audiences
  3. What emerges:
    1. The geographical, temporal and cultural extent of Pirandello’s theatrical influence;
    2. The creative refractions that identity undergoes in the process of translation across national and temporal boundaries;
    3. How translation affects questions of gender and power.

website by Francesca Facchi (PhD Candidate, University of Toronto)