
Ever since I can remember I have been around farm animals and equipment.  I was born on a small farm OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAoutside Calgary.  I was fortunate to be able to know where my food came from, we milked goats, had chickens for eggs and raised cattle for meat.  One of my fondest memories was planting a garden with my grandma, and cooking what we harvested.  From grade one to eight I attended a Waldorf school.  The curriculum of a Waldorf school has a focus on art, and hands on learning, IMG_0213I still have the milking stool that I made in grade eight, and the hands-on skills that I learned during my time there are still central in my life.  From grade ten to twelve I attended, a small (120 student) boarding school in rural Saskatchewan. I lived in the dormitory at there for all three years. It was here that I gained a passion for learning outside of the traditional classroom.  One class that stands out for me was the outdoor education class.  We were privileged enough to be able to go on a 5 day paddle trip through Northern Saskatchewan.

After high school, I pursued my interest in cooking, and attended culinary school in Calgary.  It was here that my eyes were opened to possibilities that DSCF0039food has as a way to engage with a variety of people.  From culinary school I venture out into the culinary industry where I worked at higher end hotels and restaurants.  Traveling has been another way I have seen the value that food has as a way to share culture and create understanding. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


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