Seasonal thoughts and a challenge!

Hi all,

Roger and I have put together some seasonal thoughts in a short video on the Project Facebook site. Marvel at the seamless and totally unbiased editing.


As we are at the end of the Q&A stage of the project our challenge to you is get creative and post your own thoughts, in text or video on the site. THERE WILL BE SIGNIFICANT PRIZES FOR THE BEST TWO!


1) You can post anything to do with the project (even loosely) – responses to questions posted, reflections on the project, thoughts on science, news items etc…

2) the more thought provoking and/or  humorous the better

3) video can be on Youtube or the project facebook page

3) Entries must be submitted by Friday January 15th 2010

Get creative and have a great and well earned seasonal break,

Roger & Bernie

10 thoughts on “Seasonal thoughts and a challenge!

  1. Hi folks,

    Due to the dearth of responses I’ll leave this open for another week. The prize is a good one, (i-mate Pocket-PC PDA/smartphone) I’ll leave it another week for folks to have a go)! Closing date is now midnight 25th January !


  2. Jeremy and I have pout a video together as a response to this contest. Since Bernie said “See if you can post a short video summarizing either you thoughts on one of the questions, or the philosophy of science, Closing date is now midnight 25th January !” in the email to us, we have chosen to answer Question 5.

    I posted the link to the group on Facebook:

    Please let me know if the link doesn’t work.


  3. Outstanding! Great video and edited nicely putting our efforts to shame! Roger and I were struck that Christina appears to be in a calm spacious sitting room and Jeremy jammed in some rented student house with dreadful wall paper and his bike in the background!

    Well done and thanks, and the pressure is on with only 1 day to go in the competition!

    Bernie & Roger

  4. Hello all. Rebecca and I finally got a video posted on the projects’ facebook page…and yes, clearly we need a little practice. Hope you find the question interesting though…and yes, it is much more enjoyable to post questions vs. coming up with answers!

    here is the link:

    The book Allen suggested is: Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan

  5. Excellent question!

    Occam’s razor is a topic we didn’t get round to, but an important principle. I agree it is much easier to ask the questions than answer them!

    From my perspective I think Occam’s Razor works well as a priniciple for differentiating between a number of theoretical explanations for a very specific phenomenon, but then requires further investigation & testing to arrive at a proof.
    E.g. Is the cause of a patients fever most likely a) a bacterial infection, b) a thyroid disorder c) an effect of the telluric currents caused by the alignment of the moon and mercury?

    I certainly agree it does not work well for complex systems.

    Also, I do agree with Einstein’s view, (particularly in education!)that if you can’t explain a phenomenion in fairly simple terms, then you probably don’t understand it well yourself!

    Other’s thoughts, maybe from UK and the Environmental science perspective?


  6. The winners are…

    After great debate and a stewards inquiry it was decided that first place goes to Christina & Jeremy, and second place to Allen & Rebecca. Congratulations, as all will be recieiving fine prizes for their gallant efforts!

    I’ll talk with Roger to figure out how to deliver the UK prize for you Jeremy, but Allen, Christina and Rebecca can collect their booty from me next week!

    We will be circulating the evaluation survey for the project to all participants shortly but probably after the Olympic fever has run its course here.

    Well done everyone,
    Bernie & Roger

  7. Thank you, and well done to Allen and Rebecca. I’m sure I speak for Christina as well that we really enjoyed making our video.


  8. Congratulations Jeremy and Christina, excellent videography! And thank you Bernie and Roger.

  9. Thanks folks! Allen and Rebecca excellent questions, very thought provoking. Congratulations to everyone. Jeremy’s right — we had a great time producing the video.


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