Post-Secondary Ramblings

Reading Break is for Reading and Breaking

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I’m dreading the thought of having to wake up early tomorrow and go to school. One week of Reading Break was definitely not enough for me. How did I spend my Reading Break? As the title suggests, I spent it on catching up on work and taking a much needed break.

I really did take full advantage of this break. Coincidentally, Saturday was the Olympic Anniversary celebration, and thus I spent the day (and night) in Downtown/Yaletown. The next few days were rather fuzzy. I do remember spending at least 2 full days watching TV shows/movies on my laptop though. Another day was spent catching up with my high school friends during a lunch outing. Last but not least, I spent not just one, but two days up on the mountains snowboarding. Snow conditions were amazing and I look forward to another day up there.

Now that I think about it, the numbers don’t really add up as I do remember spending a lot of time studying. Maybe I didn’t do as much “reading” as I thought I did. I did however do 2 weeks worth of suggested problems for math and a bunch of chemistry practice problems. Of course, Starbucks having their Tazo Tea Time promotion definitely helped me.

And to end off my break, well, I’m going to be spending my afternoon/evening/night reading for pleasure (:

Written by Renee

February 20th, 2011 at 3:00 pm

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