Post-Secondary Ramblings


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T-12 days.

Less than two weeks until school starts. I’m usually not too excited about back to school. After all, it usually means all the time that I spend having fun would be replaced by homework and other school related things. This time around, I’m super pumped and hoping that the next 12 days will past by quicker.

I’ve heard so much about university life during my years as a high school student. I can’t exactly say I have high expectations of how my next four years will turn out, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. I’m sure that it will be filled with pleasant surprises waiting for me at every corner.

I guess that’s all that I have to say at the moment. I’ll be back to post about my good and not-so-good experiences throughout my stay at UBC.

Written by Renee

August 26th, 2010 at 11:36 am

Posted in Academics

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