Apple recently unveiled their new products, the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 +, and the iWatch. These items have been under research and development ever since the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c came out. Apple is constantly looking to better their company and improve their products. In order to complete their projects in the short amount of time that they do, time management must be a perfected skill. Along with the ever so popular cell phone, Apple also sells computers, laptops, tablets, and accessories. Managing all these products and constantly working on improving them, requires organization to make sure they don’t fall behind on an important project. Steve Covey’s time management method would be an efficient way for Apple to oversee all urgent, non-urgent, important, and unimportant matters. Larger companies especially need to stay on track because they have more to lose if they miss a deadline, or need to postpone an important event. Time management is an important skill that both individuals and businesses should possess. It’s difficult to prosper without having this ability. Clearly, Apple’s success shows that they have mastered sticking to deadlines and managing their time.