NO VOTE NO VOICE – my choice

This is a personal blog, so I guess there’s nothing wrong with saying who I’m going to vote for, or at least the ones I’m already sure about.

President – Natalie Swift

VP Finance – Elin Tayyar (sorry Invisible Man!)

VP Admin – Ekaterina Dovjenko

International Student Representative – Brittany Perna

Student Representative-at-large to the Senate – Spencer Rasmussen

Remove Blake Frederick – No

Remove Timothy Chu – No

Access UBC fee – Yes

Remember, elections start tomorrow at 8:00 AM and it’s super easy to vote!

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.
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2 Responses to NO VOTE NO VOICE – my choice

  1. Neal Yonson says:

    The Access UBC fee is not what it seems. Nobody has any information about this group, or how they will be accountable for the money collected. Please consider this before casting your vote.

  2. Olivia says:

    Whaaat!! This does look like a complete scam… I already voted yes to the Access UBC fee :s

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