Today I went to the TEDx Terry Talks and they were, of course, inspiring, thought-producing and definitely in line with the TED logo of ideas worth spreading. If you haven’t yet been introduced to the TED world you are missing out, take a look!
I could write a little something of each speaker… or… I could just scan my doodling during the day:
What do you think? I’m just glad I won’t be tested on it!
Apart from going to cool speaker events (yeah, I also went to see K’naan), I’ve started my super long training as a UBC Student Ambassador (AKA the people who give the campus tours). Not only do I get to hang out with some pretty awesome students, but I’m also learning cool little facts about UBC andddd getting paid for it!
Did you know that we have a building with waterless, odorless, composting bathrooms? You did if you took the campus tour ;)
I’ve also been pretty busy thinking about doing Go Global. I have been considering going to South Africa for a term. However, now that I’m more involved on campus I don’t know if I want to leave it all in the air and leave for a term… It just feels like four years aren’t enough to enjoy all the things that UBC has to offer! How can I choose between Co-op or exchange or getting super involved in something or taking all those courses that I want to take while still going to see the theater productions and the film festivals and the hidden corners of Vancouver? –> Too many choices! <—
Besides all this, the International Students Association has been a journey into the unknown! Granted, I haven’t been doing all my readings quite in time, but I’ve been learning real practical things, like how to make timelines (and stick to them) and put events together and keeping track of (20) too many different things going on at the same time.
To end with some self promotion… I really encourage all of you to go to our International Panel Discussion, where we will bring together students and UBC staff to discuss issues that affect international students. Join the conversation!
Are you referring to the Asian Centre?
I can’t understand your notes XD I’ll have to wait till the videos come out.
I feel the same, 4 years is not enough!
Thanks for the video, that was really interesting! Especially that bit at the end where she talks about choice being a visual thing.
Four years doesn’t seem like a lot – have you ever considered doing 5 years? Most co-op students finish in 5 years anyway, from what I hear. Also, I don’t think you have to give up on going on an exchange to do Co-op, especially if you do 5 years.
Do both Co-op and Go Global! That’s what I’m doing — just an extra year for me.
“How can I choose between Co-op or exchange or getting super involved in something or taking all those courses that I want to take while still going to see the theater productions and the film festivals and the hidden corners of Vancouver?”
I just wanted to clarify that you don’t need to choose co-op over going on exchange, or vice versa. This is a common misconception that many students have, but it’s not based on fact. While you’re on exchange, the courses you take at your host university count towards your degree, so you shouldn’t have to extend your time at UBC by doing so.
If you’re having trouble “fitting it all in”, you may want to consider a Go Global International Service Learning placement over Reading Break. These are one-week programs that will allow you to try out volunteering and learning more about international development. 12-week summer placements are also available – the deadline to apply for both is October 17.
Good luck in deciding!
Maryse Zeidler
Communications Coordinator,
Go Global