Author Archives: Valentina

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.


Yes, it’s a beautiful picture of a beautiful place, but why is it here? well, thanks for asking! ;) I was thinking of a way to introduce myself to the readers and I came up with an awwweeesome idea! Instead … Continue reading

Posted in International | 2 Comments

10 days and counting

I’m officially nervous. Jump Start begins the 17th of August and time is flying. Has it really been five months since I accepted my offer? wow. It feels like less than a space between two words. But still, here I … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, International, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Jump Start and favorite places

It has been more than two weeks in UBC and I can’t believe it!  Jump Start has been totally amazing, I can’t imagine how my UBC life would look like if it wasn’t for this awesome program. Really, I am … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, Recreation, Residence Life | Leave a comment