Author Archives: Valentina

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.

NO VOTE NO VOICE – one day left!!

If you haven’t voted don’t even read this page ! CLICK HERE and VOTE! As I’ve been telling my friends… if you don’t agree with the AMS, the system, the candidates or the questions, it is better to vote ‘no … Continue reading

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NO VOTE NO VOICE – not sure yet?

This afternoon, after having attended one of the last debates, I sat down, cleared my desk, typed in and voted for the 2010 AMS elections. Have you voted yet? If you haven’t and you’re still not sure about who … Continue reading

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NO VOTE NO VOICE – my choice

This is a personal blog, so I guess there’s nothing wrong with saying who I’m going to vote for, or at least the ones I’m already sure about. President – Natalie Swift VP Finance – Elin Tayyar (sorry Invisible Man!) … Continue reading

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NO VOTE NO VOICE – International Student Rep.

So… There hasn’t been a lot of information around about the International Student Representative candidates. As I am an international student and I truly believe that international students should have a stronger voice on campus, I contacted each of the … Continue reading

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NO VOTE NO VOICE – debates

I just got back from the President, VP External and VP Finance debates and I have to admit that most of the candidates are quite something. My favorite? -The Invisible Man (not that I saw or heard him…) The good … Continue reading

Posted in AMS, Involvement / Leadership | 2 Comments

NO VOTE NO VOICE – president

Yes, I am one of those people that will go on forever about the benefits of voting. For me it’s not so much a choice but an obligation. I mean, how will I ever again have the face to complain … Continue reading

Posted in AMS, Involvement / Leadership | 4 Comments

Help Hear Haiti

Wow… I feel like my blog has become an advertisement page! But, it’s not my fault that there are so many cool events that people should know about. So, here I go again: UBC Help Hear Haiti Showcase: A Fundraiser to … Continue reading

Posted in International, Involvement / Leadership, Sustainability | Leave a comment

Africa Awareness Conference Week

Involving Africa in the Creation of Global Citizens ( JAN 18 Opening Night: “Past, Present & Future of the African Studies Program at UBC Join us in exploring the history of the UBC African Studies Program at a vibrant African … Continue reading

Posted in International, Involvement / Leadership, Recreation | Leave a comment

What are your motivations?

Yesterday, after a talk with the EIESL team (Ethics of International Engagement and Service Learning) a friend of mine sent me this video and I think that it’s something that every person has to consider before engaging in any kind … Continue reading

Posted in Careers / Work, International, Involvement / Leadership, Wellness | 2 Comments

Last minute update

Today at 5:00 Dr. Shafik Dharamsi will be in Angus 307 talking about the ethics of International Service Learning. I think it’s a great opportunity to engage in discussion over this issue and come up with new and creative ideas … Continue reading

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