Ricky's UBC Blogs site

Monthly Archives: November 2013

Fighting Feminism…?

I have heard of the Ecole Polytechnique Massacre (A.K.A. the Montreal Massacre) before, but never have I actually read about it in detail. My initial thoughts after reading: What the hell is wrong with this guy…? Before I thought it was simply a psychopath on a killing spree for no apparent reason. On December 6, 1989, twenty-five-year-old Marc Lepine, armed with a rifle and hunting knife, shot twenty-eight people before killing himself at the Ecole Polytechnique. He claimedto be “fighting feminism…” […]

District 9

I never got around to watching District 9 when it came out in 2009. A couple of friends and I were planning to watch it together, however, I had another prior engagement and could not go. I had never read any synopsis about the movie online either. Eventually, I just forgot about the movie, thinking it was just another typical alien science-fiction movie, where aliens come and take over the Earth while the good guys, the humans, fight back and take […]

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