It seems that after the success of its movie ventures, Marvel has decided to make an attempt at producing shows.
A while back in my Creative Writing class, we were talking about trans-media and storytelling that exists in multiple mediums. The thing about trans-media is that it’s very profitable. And Marvel has realized that.
The company’s growth will be reliant upon taking existing characters and putting them in as many mediums as possible. They’ve done this for existing characters like Spiderman. There are Spiderman comic books, movies, video games, the list goes on.
What Marvel is realizing now is that while they have characters that have an appeal to a wider range of demographics, they’re not going to be producing stuff for lesser known superheroes with the same fervor as for a hero like Thor.
For characters like Daredevil, they realize they need to start smaller. They made a movie for Daredevil in the early 2000’s and it didn’t perform well at the box office because Daredevil wasn’t a well known character.

Remember this movie? No? Good.
But Marvel needs to expand its universe in order to profit, and Netflix has provided them with the perfect opportunity to start on a smaller scale for smaller characters.