
Greatest Lesson Learned from Someone Else

“So what if you fall? Just stand back up; rise to be stronger”. Although, it sounds like common sense, at least that was what I thought before.

I never took this saying seriously, or even into consideration because I have not experienced that impact of dropping from the highest peak of my life, down to the lowest of lowest. However, when it did happen, it really is, the hardest thing to accomplish. Being able to drag yourself out of a deep pit, is more diffcult than falling – as you can imagine if it was literal. During that time, my mom constantly reminded me again and again, “It’s ok to fail, everyone does at some point, but the most important thing is that you stand back up”.

Hearing this during difficult times is one of the most annoying things to hear, because you are literally thinking, ‘I’m trying, what do you think I’m doing?’, however, as time progresses, as you are more able to accept and handle the failure, you will be able to move on. Hopefully next time, I will be able to apply these words of wisdom faster so that I won’t have to go through so much pain.