Monthly Archives: December 2010

GM uses Socia Media to reverse situation

GM has been going through troubled times lately, especially seeing as how everyone has been focusing on their file for bankruptcy.  Obviously, it is never good for any company if the media is concentrating solely on its negative aspects, so … Continue reading

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Pepsi expansion

I was reading through the news the other day, and I came across an interesting article (found here at that I thought related to our current project studying Bell’s decision to be the telecommunications sponsor of the Vancouver 2010 … Continue reading

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Small business failiure

A few days ago in Comm 101 we were discussing how many small businesses fail.  I found this very interesting so I decided to do further research on both the percentage of small businesses that fail and why exactly they … Continue reading

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An entrepreneurial example: Steve Wozniak

One of the most famous examples of a successful entrepreneur is that of Apple Computer Inc, which created the first programmable computer in 1977.  When Apple was first created, it was clearly a very entrepreneurial company according to the article … Continue reading

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Hewlett-Packard vs Zappos

In Comm 292 we were required to look at Hewlett-Packard and diagnose the problems that the company is currently dealing with.  After a Comm 101 class where we looked at Zappos, and how they are prospering in large part due … Continue reading

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