An entrepreneurial example: Steve Wozniak

One of the most famous examples of a successful entrepreneur is that of Apple Computer Inc, which created the first programmable computer in 1977.  When Apple was first created, it was clearly a very entrepreneurial company according to the article we had to read for Comm 101 class 19, found here:

There are four main ways that entrepreneurial ventures differ from simple small businesses, all of which Apple achieved early since its inception: the amount of wealth creation, the speed of the wealth creation, the risks taken and innovation.  Apple was extremely successful in terms of the amount and speed of its wealth creation, as it was listed in the Fortune 500 a mere six years after its creation, proving that it had grown and prospered very quickly.

The start-up of the company was also very innovative, as well as very risky.  Apple created the first personal computer, showcasing its innovation, and, in order to give the company the necessary financial liquidity to function, co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak sold their personal Volkswagen van and programmable calculator, respectively.  These men were clearly willing to risk a lot in order to start up their company.

Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

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