Hi All,
This week has been so crazy on the school front with 3 midterms and a group project, that writing a blog post was pretty much the very last thing on my do to list…and only 9 hours after the deadline I got to the end of the list.
Anywho, today I want to talk a bit about packaging. I am a very lazy consumer, and rarely take the time and effort to research new products and compare alternatives. My purchases (atleas 80%) are made purely based on looks, i.e. the packaging. Call me superficial, but actually it hasn’t lead to too many misses as you might think. All my everyday products, such as lotions, shampoos, vitamins, even food I have started using because of a nice package. Of course, initially I bought the product because of its looks, but then later realized its true quality.
There are certain qualities that you look for in a product, and if you haven’t used the product before, and if you don’t know if its good or not, you decide based on the packaging. Lets look at an example; body wash. Here are to types of body washes both doing essentially the same thing, cleaning.
If you are looking for a product that is moisturizing and good for dry skin, which one would you choose (and say you didn’t know anything about these two brands or products)? I would argue that most people, would say that Dove on the left is more moisturizing that Axe on the right. Why? Because of the white pure coloring, the smooth bottle shape is exactly what you want your skin to look and feel like. Clearly, just the outlook of a product can tell you so much more that any amount of fine print of the side of the bottle. Therefore, I would urge companies to design their products to look like what they promise to do.
So, if you’re ever in between choices, just choose the one that pleases the eye the most, and chances are it’ll do exactly what it looks like it would do!
Until next time,
Roosa xx