Participatory culture and makerspaces in public libraries

In module 4, we discussed content creation and creativity and the short aside about makerspaces caught my attention as I had done some research on the topic in my co-op last summer. Then Deodato (2014) was assigned in module 5 and I thought about exploring the connection between participatory culture and makerspaces.

makerspace: a creative, DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. (See OEDB for more)

In light of continually evolving technology and the significant impact the Internet has and continues to have on communication and content creation, the dynamics of participatory culture have shifted dramatically. Traditionally, content creation and consumption followed a top-down model: experts created the content and disseminated it on terms they dictated, while users passively consumed the information provided. The current technological landscape governs a very much disrupted expert-learner dynamic which has led to a marked shift towards collaborative content creation and an increasingly level expert-learner power dynamic.  In fact, experts are no longer experts in the traditional sense. Prescriptive teaching is only a part of a 21st century librarian’s role.

Service delivery in public libraries now invites patron interaction, creation, and feedback more actively than it did in libraries of pre-Internet era. One of the manifestations of this change has been the emergence of makerspaces. Makerspaces evolved from maker faires, which were meant to be places to learn new skills, show off the product, and share knowledge. Inaugurated in 2006, Maker Faire is an annual event that takes places in the San Francisco Bay area. Here is a short video about Maker Faire:

Public libraries have used maker faires as a model and developed makerspaces for their patrons. Although the concept of makerspaces in relation to public libraries is fairly new, only around since approximately 2011, libraries across the country have embraced the idea and have built some incredible spaces for their patrons. One of them is in Inisfil, Ontario: the Inisfil Public Library Hacker Lab, where patrons can use a 3D printer, a laser cutter, raspberry pis, and much more. Closer to home, the VPL’s much-anticipated Inspiration Lab is set to open in May. Touted as a creative space to foster learning and experimentation, the Inspiration Lab provides access to digital media like recording studios and editing workstations for video and sound, and digitization tools for the preservation of ideas. While most makerspaces have some costs associated with using the technology, VPL’s Inspiration Lab will be free. The VPL is not the first of the local library systems to venture into the makerspace realm: Richmond Public Library has a 3D printer available to patrons at Brighouse, the main branch.

Here is a 3D printer in action:

Participatory culture is changing both the way libraries provide service to their patrons and patrons’ expectations of libraries. The information exchange occurring in libraries now has realigned the power dynamic between librarian and patron, as well as the definition of which party is the creator and which is the consumer. Makerspaces will continue to challenge traditional roles in libraries, including those of the librarians and the patrons, while providing valuable learning and exploration opportunities for everyone involved.


Bagley, C.A. (2012, December 20). What is a makerspace? Creativity in the library. Retrieved from

Deodato, J. (2014). The patron as producer: Libraries, web 2.0, and participatory culture. Journal of Documentation, 70(5), 734-758. doi:10.1108/JD-10-2012-0127

Maker Media, Inc. (n.d.) Maker Faire, A bit of history. Retrieved from

The Editors. (2013, February 6). Manufacturing makerspaces. Retrieved from



MOOCs as a professional development tool for librarians

My academic and work experiences in library school constantly reaffirm how significant a role professional development will play in the trajectory of my career. Professional development for librarians takes many forms: conferences, webinars, literature searches, workshops, etc. and these elements are well-documented in literature. There is little research, however, on massive open online courses, or MOOCs, as a tool for professional development and I think there is massive opportunity for it.

Much of a librarian’s professional development is spent outside of regular working hours, attending conferences, doing coursework, doing workshops. In fact, LIS was host to what may be considered an early iteration of the MOOC: 23 things, an online program offering technology training to library staff starting in 2006.  23 mobile things came several years later and updated the focus of 23 things from a library 2.0 focus to a mobile one.

Librarians, then, are no strangers to the ideas associated with MOOCs. How then, do MOOCs, as they came to be known in 2008, fit into what is often a rigorous professional development schedule?

First, let’s start with a short video Dave Cormier, an educational activist, researcher, and online community advocate, made that describes MOOCs.

As Cormier says in the video, MOOCs are online courses that are:

  • Open
  • Participatory
  • Distributed, and that
  • Support life-long networked learning

Second, why are MOOCs suitable as a professional development tool for librarians?

  • you can learn skills like design and coding
  • you can learn about subject areas like finance to augment your library’s programming offerings
  • many MOOCs are taught by academics who are experts in their fields
  • the medium provides the flexibility to learn at your own pace within the timelines of the course
  • they allow the learner to interact with classmates from around the world
  • they are free!

Can you think of others to add to my list?

And finally, what MOOC platforms are there and what can I learn from each one?

Coursera: over 800 courses across many disciplines from 108 universities from around the world. Courses are available in the arts and humanities, social sciences, computer science, education, economics, and medicine.

EdX: 463 courses in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, computer science, economics and finance, statistics and more.

Khan Academy: over 6500 videos curated by content specialists and hosted on YouTube. Topics range from math, science, economics and finance, to arts and humanities and computing. The target audience is elementary and high school students, with some university-level offerings.

Udacity: the only one of the big four that focuses specifically on professional development, Udacity offers approximately 70 courses in data science, web development, software engineering, Android and OS development, and a few non-tech. It also offers nanodegrees for a fee.


Massis, B. E. (2013). MOOCs and the library. New Library World, 114(5), 267-270. doi:

Hoy, M. B. (2014). MOOCs 101: An Introduction to Massive Open Online Courses. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 33(1), 85-91. doi:10.1080/02763869.2014.866490

Stephens, M., & Jones, K. L. (2014). MOOCs as LIS Professional Development Platforms: Evaluating and Refining SJSU’s First Not-for-Credit MOOC. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 55(4), 345-361.


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