Fourteen Days!

Posted by: | August 18, 2010 | 9 Comments

So, I pack up (pack being the relative word) my belongings and move to Vancouver in fourteen days; that’s fourteen nights and one day.  You’d think I would be doing the responsible thing and actually packing my belongings, no?  Yeah… I’m not.  I don’t think I’ve even made a definitive list yet.  Perhaps I will just wing it the night before I actually have take off… that sounds like a terrible idea.  So terrible it just might work.   

Right-o, some background on where I am coming from here. 

So, I am moving from the lazy farm town of Dawson Creek, British Columbia.  It’s a small town of 10, 000 inhabitants, and most of them own a cow or at least know somebody who does.  Last weekend was the “biggest show in the Peace!” and the epitome of a good time here: The Fall Fair and Rodeo.  We get a lot of tourist influx because we’re on the Pro Chuckwagon circuit… say what!  Basically, it’s five days of cowboys and people who wish they were cowboys (or cowgirls… cowpeople for gender neutrality’s sake).  I took part in the festivities, as I have every year since pretty much my birth.  I go for the food.  Now, I know you all (I fought the urge to say ya’ll… you can take the girl outta Dawson but you can’t take the Dawson outta the girl… apparently), you aren’t familiar with Rodeo Food.  It’s not healthy, in fact if it’s not deep fried or on a stick, it’s probably not offered.  There are gastro-treasures such as the Rodeo Taco, Rodeo Burger, deep fried Mars bar, ice cream cones as big as your head, the usual cotton candy, candy apples, fudge, and mini doughnuts.   Ohhh, mini doughnuts.  Now, a rodeo taco isn’t like any other taco… it’s unspecified ground meat, vegetables, cheese, salsa and sour cream in a baked bannock slab.  That’s right, you read that… bannock slab.  Now I don’t know if it’s my Metis side (that’s right, stereotypes FTW I apologize), but there’s something about bannoc in any form that makes me weak-kneed.  Okay, okay I am going to end this diatribe on rodeo food.  I digress.  Where was I? 

Oh yes yes, where I am coming from.  I have a visual aid to help you understand where I am coming from.

My back yard in Dawson

 As you see here, that is my backyard, and beyond that is a farmer’s field… I live in town.  If I had blogged three days ago, I could have gotten pictures of the owner bailing the hay.  Alack, alas we are back to my current situation:  Small town girl moves to the big city.  All stereotypes aside, I’m pretty excited.  When I say pretty excited, I’m talking about being bloody ecstatic.  Friggin’ jazzed, if you will.

UBC has been my dream school for a long time.  I contemplated different schools, and almost ended up applying to go to the University of Alberta, but UBC Vancouver has been in the back of my mind since I started investigating universities in the ninth grade.  I was instantly drawn in by the fact that I could look out my window and see the ocean and the mountains.  As cheesy as it sounds, when I thought about UBC… I thought home.  That’s the first word that popped into my mind.  This is where I belong.  I know this isn’t going to be easy, and living so far away from my highschool friends and family (about sixteen hours, I know it’s not like… across the world like a lot of super awesome UBC students, it’s still a long distance to me!) is going to be hard, but I think this is the right option for me, and I can’t wait to see my new home!
In September I will be residing in Totem Park, in Shuswap House.  First floor… BOOYAH! No stairs for these short legs (I’m 5’3″) to climb on move-in day.  I am a perseptive Political Science and Philosophy major with a hopeful minor in English.  I want to persue the wonderful world of journalism.  My name is Samantha, I prefer being called Sam or Sammy.  I’m 18, and a coffee addict.  I have thick rimmed glasses, a love of a plaid and a nose ring.  I am outgoing and enjoy fine white wines and walks on the beach.  Jokes.  Though, I do enjoy walks on the beach.  I hope to meet you all on campus one day!
Peace, love and introductory blogs,


9 Comments so far

  1. miriam on August 18, 2010 9:23 pm

    Hey Sam,

    Welcome to Vancouver and UBC! Bannock is indeed awesome.

  2. Dominika Ziemczonek on August 19, 2010 8:09 am

    I’m a last-minute packer as well! It never fails that 12 hours before a flight, my clothes and other items are still splayed across my room like a suitcase explosion, but it always works! Hope your transition down here isn’t too foreign!

  3. Dominika Ziemczonek on August 19, 2010 8:10 am

    …sorry for the excess of exclamation marks. It’s been a very caffeinated morning.

  4. Eastwood on August 26, 2010 4:33 pm

    Yup, both Dawson Creek and Cuba are awesome.

    Very ambitious of you to start thinking about universities in great 9! You had a much earlier start than I did 😛

    Glad to have you on the Blog Squad! Welcome to Vancouver and UBC!

  5. sammy on August 26, 2010 5:11 pm

    You’ve been to Dawson Creek?!

  6. Eastwood on August 27, 2010 2:56 pm

    Nope, but your description and visual aid are good enough

  7. sammy on August 27, 2010 8:31 pm

    Ahh, well if you’re ever ony our way to Alaska, Dawson is Mile 0.

  8. Ella on August 27, 2010 7:10 pm

    I’ve been to Dawson Creek- it’s beautiful but tiny!

  9. sammy on August 27, 2010 8:32 pm

    Totally tiny, and it can be quite beautiful! Why were you in the Creek?!

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