A New Year & A New Semester

Posted by: | January 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

Sam’s Totally Guilt Free New Year’s Resolutions* 1) Pull up my socks in the academic sector of my life.  You see, this winter break as I got my exam marks back I didn’t do so swell in the academic portion of my life.  I thought for a while that I was not joining the rest […]

1) When is your last exam? 2) When’re you going home? 3) When was the last time you made contact with someone else of the human species? Peace, love and stress ulcers, Sam. Good luck everyone!

Midterms, Ahoy!

Posted by: | October 24, 2010 | 1 Comment

Hey all you beautiful people! So, as of late I’ve been up to my ears in piles and piles of homework.  Philosophy, Economics, French, Political Science, so much bloody homework, and studying.  Because of, you guessed it, MIDTERMS! I apologize for my MIA-ness, I have been super busy with life and such.  It’s funny how […]


Posted by: | September 15, 2010 | 4 Comments

Just thought I’d let you all know that I am alive and that I can navigate Buch successfully.  Aww yeah!

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