
Posted by: | August 30, 2010 | Leave a Comment

I wish I could say I was a rock, that I didn’t cry often.  Or ever.  But the truth is I cry, a lot.  Not like, I stubbed my toe and now I’m crying… not like that.  Or like I’m overtly emotional and cry one minute and hysterically laugh the next… I’m balanced.  But, you […]

So, it’s been a few days since I first started phase one of my packing process extravaganza.  If I had kept to my planned schedule, I would be done packing most my stuff now, and waiting to pack the items I use on a daily basis. IF IF IF.  Well, I strayed from my plan… […]

Fourteen Days!

Posted by: | August 18, 2010 | 9 Comments

So, I pack up (pack being the relative word) my belongings and move to Vancouver in fourteen days; that’s fourteen nights and one day.  You’d think I would be doing the responsible thing and actually packing my belongings, no?  Yeah… I’m not.  I don’t think I’ve even made a definitive list yet.  Perhaps I will […]

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