Daily Rate…

Posted by: | August 19, 2010 | 2 Comments

So, today at work I was thinking… how often am I supposed to update?  I’m a chatty person, who has an over active thought cycle, so I’m pretty sure I could find something to blog about on a daily basis.  Right now, my brain is UBC oriented, to the maximum, like if right now, my brain was one of those parabolas we had to graph in princ. grade 11 math, my curve would be above X axis… on the positive side (that’s about as much math talk as I can muster…) 

So here, freezing on this cool Dawson Thursday evening, I bring you a blog in two parts.

Part 1)  Why is it so cold!

<—– me being cold and blogging from my backyard.


Part 2)  Residence

Okay, so part 1 doesn’t need anymore explanation… besides BRR.  Onto part 2.

So, as I previously stated in September I am going to inhabit Totem Park residence.  From what I see on UBC Facebook pages, people either LOVE Totem or hate it… or they’re an unknowing first year who wants to switch to Vanier (or vice-versa).  To be honest, Totem wasn’t my first choice, Place Vanier was.  This was for a myriad of reasons, mostly because I kept hearing that Totem was the partay place.  Now don’t get me wrong, I like to go out and socialize… but I also need to get an education.  This party reputation had me worried and yearning for (what I heard rumoured) a more nerdy, study place like Vanier.  Honestly, the store of first years begging for folks to switch dorms with them on Facebook was alarming, I kept thinking “what on bloody Earth am I getting myself into?!” then it was another blow when my friend got sorted accepted intoGryffindor/Slytherin/ Hufflepuff/ Ravenclaw Place Vanier.  This is when I decided to own it.  All your experiences are what you make of them, right?  So, if I went into Totem, wishing I was in Vanier, then I would have an absolute crap time in Totem.  This seems like sound logic.  I started to research Totem, and my house (Shuswap) and found out that it’s the only co-ed floor house in Totem.  All dirty winks aside, I was getting pretty excited!  The more I research and learn about Totem and Shu, the more I can absolutely not wait to call this place officially my home!  Totem seems to have a great community atmosphere.  Placing that barrier between play and work is up to me, not the people around me.  So basically, to wrap up part 2, all I have to say to fellow first years out there who may not be so jazzed about their placement… it is what it is.  Enjoy it, make the most out of it, party, work hard, succeed, achieve.  You never know, the people you are with now may become the most wonderful people you have ever met in your life, and if they’re not… well you still have an entire lifetime to find those people.  So, Totem.. Vanier… they’re both “traditional” dorm rooms, filled with UBC students, just like you and me.

I am going to finish up this blog, it’s getting dark out and my phalanges are too cold to type anymore.

Peace, love, and smelly dormrooms,



2 Comments so far

  1. Andre on August 20, 2010 11:58 am

    Good call on owning the dorm Sam. The nice thing about Totem and Vanier is that they are less than 5 minutes walk apart, so whatever is happening on one side that you want/don’t want to be part of, you can just go to the other side. When I was in first year I got put in Vanier and most of my friends were in Totem. I would visit Totem often and liked the way things turned out, I got to spend a lot of time in both places.

  2. Valentina on August 29, 2010 8:22 pm

    Most of my Totem friends last year were in Shu and they loved it ! It looked like lots of fun actually, there where always things going on.

    Enjoy it!

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