Packing… Phase One

Posted by: | August 23, 2010 | 8 Comments

And so it begins…

That’s right folks, I’ve started the packing process.  And what a process it is.  I am thinking that my packing process is going to come about in at least three phases. 

Phase One, pack all non-essentials:

My non-essentials include my yoga mat, socks, scarves, Winston (brown bear) and Thomas the Turtle… and my favourite plaid shirt… and do laundry, and make a playlist… because everything needs a playlist.  We don’t need a photo of that.  I have about nine days now until I U-haul my bottom out of town. 

The closer it gets to me leaving, the more terrified I am becoming.  There are so many questions I have and so much I don’t know!  I’m a very planned person, don’t let my last minute packing fool you.  I like to have step A to step Z planned, with back up plans and possible detours.  Now, this doesn’t mean I can’t be spontaneous, but when it involves major facts of my life (ie. getting to UBC) I like to be planned to the dot.  Some of this plan also involves finding a hotel near UBC… any suggestions?  As much as I’d like to be one of those people that lets what happens… happen, I can’t.  Please keep in mind, that the person typing this blog has memorized the campus map… and may or may not have street-viewed the campus.  Don’t judge. 

So, my laundry should be almost done.  I guess I should enjoy, this is the second to last time I’ll do a load of laundry at home.  And with that, I shall end this post and phase one of my packing adventure.

Peace, love and big purple suitcases,



I apologize for the shortness of this post.  Phase one isn’t that exciting.  Phase three is though.


8 Comments so far

  1. Andre on August 23, 2010 7:37 pm

    Haha, I remember that time. I spent many an hour on Google Earth trying to figure out what things would look like.

    Finding a hotel shouldn’t be too necessary. How far ahead are you getting here? If you are living on campus, Housing and Conferences may let you move into rez early (with the right amount of begging and pleading) since some international students have already moved in for Gala.

  2. sammy on August 23, 2010 7:55 pm

    Hahah I’m happy I am not alone in the Google Earthing the UBC Campus Club. I am arriving in Vancouver the third, so only a day before move in. I just need to find a place for me and my luggage to sleep until 9am the next morning.

  3. Arielle on August 23, 2010 10:18 pm

    Yoga mat = essential 🙂

    P.S. Have fun packing! And I chose my courses today, what does your schedule look like?

  4. Andre on August 26, 2010 12:20 pm

    I have a couch that you can use if you want. My roommates and I actually live on the transit route between the Airport and UBC. Although again, I’m sure that housing should let you in on the 3rd.

  5. sammy on August 26, 2010 5:07 pm

    Haha, thanks, but I found a hotel on W. Broadway! Gotta love a good ole Holiday Inn.

  6. Dominika Ziemczonek on August 26, 2010 1:45 pm

    I’m pretty impressed by your use of Google Street-view. Some may laugh now, but it will TOTALLY come in handy when you’re waltzing around campus like a champ while other people are struggling with maps.

  7. sammy on August 26, 2010 5:08 pm

    I’m hoping my nerding out now will benefit me in the future!

  8. Ella on August 27, 2010 7:53 am

    Welcome to the blog squad Sammy! I’m looking forward to following your adventures as you come to UBC!

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