So, it’s been a few days since I first started phase one of my packing process extravaganza.  If I had kept to my planned schedule, I would be done packing most my stuff now, and waiting to pack the items I use on a daily basis. IF IF IF.  Well, I strayed from my plan… a lot.  Let’s just say I’m stuck in phase one.  When I say stuck, I mean nearly reverted back to phase negative one (I had to rip apart my bag to find a shirt for work).  Right now, I’m having a hard time deciding what to bring.  It’s like I’m packing for the apocalypse and summer camp at the same time.  I want to bring some of my favourite things, plus my essentials, but I also don’t want to be that kid that shows up on move in day with nineteen boxes, three house plants, a fish, and five suitcases.  I’m trying to pack light, in other words.  So, what does one bring to university?  I’ve googled it, but one website suggested 23 pairs of underwear and socks (no more, no less), and also a tool kit, a sewing kit, portable bomb shelter, gas mask, and enough food and water to last two weeks.  Jokes… kind of.

There are some items that are none negotiable, that I am bringing: Winston (my slightly embarrassing, I can’t believe I am admitting this publicly, but I love him) Teddy bear.  He was given to me by a Greek family when I was six, yoga mat, Harry Potter books, some movies, and my iPod (or I guess new iPod since my last one apparently grew its own legs and frolicked away to the land of lost things).  But, besides my essentials, and the normal essentials (clothes, hygiene products) what does one bring to university?  How do I pack for a home that isn’t my old home that I’m sharing with a roommate/housemates?

On a different note…

A couple of nights ago my friend, Lael, came to my house at quarter after eleven at night and picked me up; we were going for a midnight goodbye to the Creek.  You see, Lael was leaving the day after (for Vancouver, and Emily Carr) and we thought it would be filling to say goodbye to our hometown.  I hoped in her car, we turned on some music, and set on our nostalgia field trip.  Our first stop was our hold highschool, South Peace Secondary School or SPSS or South Peace.  Seeing my highschool at night, was strange.  I mean, I had seen it many other nights, but that night it was different.  This was no longer the school I would walk into in September… I wouldn’t walk through the blue doors, turn right by Mr. Whyte’s class, past the office, and open my red locker.  I would no longer spend lunches in North Court or in the hallway between the exitdoors and the cafeteria… not another year would I walk to the science side of the building into Mr. McCleary’s room for Geology or Biology.  I thought that I would be saddened by these thoughts, but I’m not.  I’m more excited than I am sad now. 

After South Peace, Lael and I found ourselves at 711 getting coffee and chicken on a stick… preparing to drive to our friend’s house to steal back her Arcade Fire album, and to say goodbye.  They’re coming to Vancouver too.  One is going to SFU and one is coming to UBC. 

The midnight goodbye with my Lael was exactly what I needed to say goodbye to my town.  It reminded me of what I love about my home, how peaceful the country roads are at night.  It was a nice farewell to my highschool life and a path to a new adventure that I still need to pack for.

All in all, despite being terrified, unpacked and nervous… I feel like I am ready for this year coming.  It’s weird to think that this time next week I wont be sleeping in my bed again until December.

Peace, love and nostalgia,



3 Comments so far

  1. Kelvin Choi on August 26, 2010 10:25 pm

    I miss my own high school too. And the goodbyes were… too painful for me to remember

    But we’re here to make new memories, ones that will hopefully last forever

    Hopefully you’ll have a smooth transition to UBC. Best of luck!

  2. sammy on August 27, 2010 8:31 pm

    Yeah, highschool was a really fun time for me. I am seeing my goodbyes as less of that, and more of a see you later.

  3. Tyler on August 29, 2010 4:45 pm

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