
Posted by: | September 27, 2010 | 1 Comment

In the Western world, we live our life in shoes.  Our shoes are stories of where we have been, what we’ve been through, and are going to be with us when we go through even more adventures.


Posted by: | September 24, 2010 | Leave a Comment

When you come to university, expect nothing.  When you expect nothing, it makes the first few weeks so much more easier to take.  When you hold certain expectations to something (ie. university) then you’ll either be confused or disappointed that your expectations weren’t met.  I apologize with my tardiness of updating, these first few weeks […]


Posted by: | September 15, 2010 | 4 Comments

Just thought I’d let you all know that I am alive and that I can navigate Buch successfully.  Aww yeah!

Squirrels the Size of House Cats

Posted by: | September 5, 2010 | 3 Comments

I’m here! Finally.  After fifteen hours in a car, staying in a spider infested room, eating Hungry Herbie’s in Cache Creek, driving through the Fraser Canyon, and getting lost in Vancouver… I am here.  Moved into my dorm and adjusting.

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