A New Year & A New Semester

Posted by: | January 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

Sam’s Totally Guilt Free New Year’s Resolutions*

1) Pull up my socks in the academic sector of my life.  You see, this winter break as I got my exam marks back I didn’t do so swell in the academic portion of my life.  I thought for a while that I was not joining the rest of everyone’s shinny faces in the second semester.  I had a break down and a bit of a panic attack.  I felt that this thing I had worked so hard for was slipping away from me.  You know, it’s true that you never really appreciate something until it’s almost gone.  I couldn’t imagine my life without UBC, and all the opportunities a post secondary education would bring me.  This lesson of a horrible first semester academically helped me renew my drive for what I want to do with my life and also helped me really see why I’m at UBC and what I need to do to keep my dreams a live.  It’s so easy to get caught up in everyday life and forget what passions really drive you to become that person you strive to become.  I’m starting out this new year and this semester with a whole new vigour.

2)  Seek balance.  Balance in social vs. academics, health vs. indulgence, ect. ect.  Just be a more balanced person.

3) Be more organized!

4) Start really working towards what I want to do with my life after my degree.

5) Keep this blog updated weekly.

*Disclaimer: Sam’s Totally Guilt Free New Year’s Resolutions are kept guilt free by the fact that if I don’t complete one or two it’s not the end of the world.  Minus #1, there’s no NOT keeping that one.

So yes, there you have it folks.  New Year’s from yours truly.  As this semester gets rolling more and more I’ll have a more in depth blog post.  I hope everyone’s winter breaks were fantastic and that you’re all ready and rested for a new semester.  I hope exams went well for you all!  See you in class!

Peace, love, and epiphanies,



1 Comment so far

  1. Tyler on January 3, 2011 6:25 pm

    Good goals 🙂

    But I would say minus #2 as well. Because no point in getting good grades if it means giving up the rest of your life in the process.

    Good luck with your resolutions!

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