
Posted by: | January 24, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Life, it can be a none stop roller coaster ride of friends, love, drama, school, fun, and everything else in between.  Something I’ve noticed this year, is that it’s so easy to get caught up in it all, and forget to take those little moments out of your life to just stop, evaluate and be truly thankful for where you are and the life you have.

I understand, that not all of us came from the best backgrounds, I get that, trust me.  But, for those of us who had less of a stellar start and for everyone else, this is the time in our life where we can decide how we want our lives to go.  We are, for many first years, out on our own for once and now we can start making decisions that will shape a better, healthier, happy life.  Now that being said, it’s easy getting caught up in being a first year… especially if you live in dorms.  The realization that there is life beyond first year is astounding.  It’s like that feeling you got in highschool… there’s life beyond it.  It doesn’t matter how much fun you are, or are not having right now in your dorms… there is life beyond the cement walls.  And this life, unlike the life we had last year, is pretty much completely blank.  And it’s amazing.

So, essentially, what I’m saying in this short, long overdue blogpost is…

Don’t regret doing what makes you happy, put your life in perspective, and take moments out of everyday to just stop and find beauty in any situation you’re in.

Peace, love and all that stuff,



I already broke one of my new years goals… But hey, I’m taking six courses.


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