
Posted by: | January 30, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I measure the moments in my life that take my breathe away or make me just stop by music.

I don’t know why, but my feelings get attached to songs.  I get obsessed with songs.  The rhythm, the words, the feeling, the poetry… it all holds something special for me.

Today, while stumbling through stumbleupon I stumbled upon this .

Suzanne by Leonard Cohen.

In all honesty, this song makes me feel more than I can really describe.  It takes me breathe away.  I can get lost so easy in the words and the rhythm and the story.  For me, this song signified a beginning of how I would spend my spring and summer in my last semester of highschool; that period of my life was one of huge change.  I started to really define who I was (in the, I-will-never-fully-finish-the-defnition-until-I-stop-living-kind-of-way-because-we-always-change).

This song brings back so many memories; more than any yearbook or goodbye grad class 2010 speech can.

When I listen to this song, I can feel the warm Dawson summer nights driving home from Lael’s house after watching a movie with our friends.  The windows down. The sky indigo. Bright stars.  And the sun always on the horizon because it never fully sets in the summer.  I can remember the smell, the smell of just before it rains.  Everything was still and everything was perfect.  In my life, I have felt a lot of joy and utter happiness… but that feeling I had that night driving back, I have never felt such careless, fearless, reckless abandon.  It was just one of those moments in my life where I knew peace and it didn’t matter who I was or where I was going or how I got there.  All that mattered was that place, the feeling and that moment.

I think we should all have these moments: these moments of complete peace.  I don’t think we can all get there the same way, but just that moment where the world stops in the midst of everyday life and everything just makes sense even for a brief moment keep us sane.  Those moments remind me that it will all, always be alright.  And even in the middle of life, time can stop.

After all, time is a human invention really the sun never sets or rises.  If we make time, then for just a single moment of our lives, our busy, crazy, hectic lives, it should stop. And let us breathe.

xo. Sam.


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