Elections, Ahoy!

Posted by: | March 25, 2011 | 5 Comments

(photo source the cbc.ca)

Today was a historic day for Canada – the Harper regime (ahem sorry… ) the Harper Government was found in contempt, and was given a vote of non-confidence in the HOC.  The vote was set in motion by the Liberals – Michael Ignatieff to be specific, due to the Conservative’s lack luster budget presentation … amongst other mounting aggravations.  The two other leading opposition parties stood in solidarity with the vote, and with some yays, clapping, heckling and paper throwing, Canada may (hopefully) enter a new era.

As a student, this election makes me hopeful and excited.  I believe that Canada needs to embark upon a new path, and today’s movement in the HOC is just the beginning.  From the people I talked to today, there have been mixed feelings from pure excitement to indifference.  Those who are excited see this as an optimistic, Conservative free future, and those who are less than optimistic see this as no different and just a gateway to a Conservative majority.

For this election I am curious to see how social media will play a part in how communication and campaigns span out.  The candidates for this election should look to the Universities for support and cater to a younger demographic… it worked wonders for Obama.

Here is to a hopefully Conservative free future!!

xox. Sam.


5 Comments so far

  1. Miriam on March 25, 2011 6:47 pm

    “Here is to a hopefully Conservative free future!!”

    You can say that again. Cheers!

  2. Timmy Wong on March 25, 2011 9:56 pm

    Polls show that if the election happened today, 43% Cdns would vote Tory (source: Global BC). In previous years, this number would most certainly translate into a Tory majority.

    Not too sure what there is to be optimistic about from the Liberal side…do tell.

  3. Eastwood on March 26, 2011 2:02 am

    I second that.

  4. Final Week, Campaigns, Thoughts and Sushi. : From Dawson to Vancouver on March 28, 2011 11:01 am

    […] Okay in reply to Timmy Wong’s comment in my last post. […]

  5. Eastwood on March 28, 2011 5:40 pm

    Seconding Miriam’s comment, that is.

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