As I sit in the basement of the SUB, in the no man’s land by the IRSA office and the UBC Pre-Dent office and eat my daily Honour Roll lunch of spicy crunchy roll and chicken teriyaki rolls, I’ve pondered a few things:

-How terrified I am for finals

– My reply to Timmy Wong in my comments in my last post

– The size of the spicy crunchy rolls

– The impending end of my first year

and finally, – how dungeon like the basement of the SUB is.

With finals looming around the corner, I can’t help but think of how screwed I utterly may be.  I have all my finals in a week span… that’s six finals, two on the same day.  I don’t think I am going to fail any of them, but I am going to go incognito and disappear for a while next week and study like I’ve never studied before.  I may also set up camp in Irving K… if I can sleep in Totem, I can sleep in Irving.  I would like to apologize in advance to my friends and family, and like to thank you for your continual support through my lunacy and coffee binges.  Never again will I take six courses in one semester.

With my final finals run of my first year, this also leads me to muse about my first year.  Though the adventure isn’t over year, I can’t help but feel that as soon as finals hit, it might as well be.  One question that lingers around the back of my mind while April sneaks to the front of my mind is – have I done it right? Did I go through first year to the best of my abilities?  I don’t know.  I can think of 100 000 other ways I should have went about my first year, but that’s a 100 000 things I can’t change now – unless I travel back in time, but according to what I’ve learnt in Philosophy, that’s not exactly possible.  Or maybe it is… sometimes it’s hard to pay attention in that class.  And when I say sometimes, I mean all the time.  From my first year, my first semester here even, I learnt what not to do my second year, that is for sure.  But, from here, I guess I can only grow and figure out what to do for the rest of my time here.  After a breakdown, some burnt bridges, some regrettable moments, I’ve realized that I am truly lucky to have experienced my first year like I have.  I’ve made some great friends, some great acquaintances and some friends that are truly like a family away from family.  So, maybe I didn’t do first year like it said I should in all the books I read before I came to school, but I don’t regret it.  All I can do now is carry on and grow.

Sam’s UBC tip #345604B, section L56

When you order from Honour Roll, do it when the lines are long  – the wait isn’t to bad it ends quickly.  NEVER order after 3pm, trust me.  Get the spicy-crunchy rolls before their gone as well, MAKE SURE it’s the spicy-crunchy roll in the right spot not an avocado roll.  The spicy-crunchy rolls are huge and are hard to eat in one bite, but they’re worth the embarrassment.

Okay in reply to Timmy Wong’s comment in my last post.

Polls show that if the election happened today, 43% Cdns would vote Tory (source: Global BC). In previous years, this number would most certainly translate into a Tory majority.

Not too sure what there is to be optimistic about from the Liberal side…do tell”

A Tory majority or a minority is a reality that everyone has to face, regardless of where they fall on the spectrum, but I think the left has some tricks up their sleeve yet before Canadians take the polls.  If there is a Tory minority, then this election was a giant waste of money, if there is a Tory majority, I am moving to the States.

My optimism from the Liberals side stems from the fact you an buy your very own set of Iggy’s stick on eyebrows (I jest, kind of).  Although I can’t see myself “Getting my Michael on” (until I hit the polls), I think that there is a lot of be optimistic about the Liberals, after all, Michael Ignatieff is NOT Jean Chretien. I am optimistic about the Liberals from the focus on sustaining rural farmers to their proposed policy of open government, to their policies focusing on the sustainability of aboriginal cultures and communities.

I mean, in the end it’s going to take Canadians realizing that Igantieff and the Liberals wont be the Liberals of the past – it’s time Canada enters a new era of government, and ABC government (anything but Conservative).


4 Comments so far

  1. miriam on March 28, 2011 12:17 pm

    There’s no right way to experience first year, it’s all relative. I’m glad you have an overall happy impression 🙂

    Never trust opinion polls! Especially this early in the campaign. The Tories weren’t expected to win in 2006. I’ts all about who turns up, or doesn’t turn up, to the ballot boxes.

  2. Altay Otun on March 28, 2011 6:55 pm

    Hi Sam! : )

    Like always, it is a pleasure to read your blog posts. I have always thought that you were a brilliant writer – and the guys at CBC would be dumb not to offer you that position.

    BUT – yes there is a but – I must rant a little.

    Here are some adverse side effects of consuming too much coffee:

    1. Too much intake of coffee – translated simply into a consumption in excess of three cups per day – can cause difficulty in sleeping, irritability, irregular heartbeats, nausea, muscle tension, ulcers, heartburn and headaches, to name just a few of the perils.

    2. One of the many side effects of coffee is the increased risk of cancer. Coffee contains carcinogenic substances like aldehydes, sulfides, tannic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These are especially harmful to the liver.

    Hopefully this scares you enough that you choose green tea over coffee this final season. As your best friend it is my duty to tell you that drinking coffee will lead to a greater chance of divorce and poverty in your lifetime.

    Love – Altay Sedat Otun

  3. Eastwood on March 31, 2011 4:44 pm

    Altay Otun: you make rather ominous-sounding claims about the deadly nature of coffee, particularly the “carcinogenic substances”. Ooo… causal relationship between coffee with divorce and poverty! Got a peer-reviewed publication supporting your claims, by any chance?

  4. sammy on March 31, 2011 4:50 pm

    @Eastwood, you may be my new favourite person. Altay likes to take the doomsday approach to coffee consumption.

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