And then it all hits you…

Posted by: | April 19, 2011 | 4 Comments

Well, here I am…

Approximately 600 cups of Ethical Bean coffee, 10 marbelous cookies, 12 all nighters, over 10, 000 written words, countless friends, a couple bestfriends, a couple burnt bridges, eight months in Shuswap, +40 trips on the 99Bline, countless nights of laughing, and a couple nights of crying, and I am in the airport waiting to go home after completing the last final of my first year of university.

I can’t believe the year I’ve had at UBC, it has been one of the most testing yet rewarding years of my life.  I’ve been writing this blog post in my heard for a couple days now… but now that I’m sitting down to write, I honestly can’t think of the words to express what I’m feeling.  I have never anticipated that in my life I would have encountered so many different people and situations in my life, than I have this year.  I can honestly say that I am not the same person as I was a year ago, at UBC this past year I have discovered my independence, I have been pushed beyond my limits and found out that I can handle it.  You never know what you’re capable of until you find your self in a situation where you have to take care of yourself.  At UBC and in Vancouver, I’ve made my own home and it’s a nice feeling.

So here I sit at YVR, surrounded by Canucks jerseys, exhausted from finals, haven’t slept in a week, missing my bestfriends already… going back to my old home – full of friends and family I haven’t seen in months.

I would like to thank my wonderful roommate for putting up with me this year.  I have realized Puv, that if you can live with me and my hoarder like tendencies, you can probably live with anyone.  Thank you for putting up with my messes, my all night paper writings, my good days and my bad days.  You have honestly been the best roommate a girl could ask for, and I can’t wait till next year!

I would also like to thank a couple special people I met this year – you know who you are, I love you two like you are my own brothers – words can’t describe how happy I am to have met you.

And to everyone else, thank you for entering my life… some of you stayed, some of you left, but in the end it was all apart of the experience.

Goodbye Vancouver, see you in a week for summer classes.  I’ll see ya’ll next year… it’s going to be twice as amazing.




4 Comments so far

  1. Altay Otun on April 19, 2011 2:54 pm

    you have finally made me cry : (

    I miss you so much!

  2. Puvan Sanghera on April 19, 2011 5:42 pm

    im going to miss living with you<3<3<3

  3. Erin Mussolum on April 20, 2011 10:05 am

    We are so glad we could help you power through your degree! Congrats on finishing and remember you always have friends at Ethical Bean Coffee.

    May we suggest our “Rocket Fuel” to help power you through to new career heights!


    The Ethical Bean Crew!

  4. sammy on April 20, 2011 2:14 pm

    @ErinM, Rocket Fuel got me through a lot of all nighters.
    @Altay, I miss you. Love you.
    @Puvan, this summer = you + me. :))

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