A Love Letter to Vancouver …

Posted by: | May 26, 2011 | 2 Comments

Dear Vancouver …

If I were to change my Facebook relationship status between us, it’d say in a relationship… but sometimes it’s complicated.  I would write on your wall saying “had a good night, can’t wait for a repeat!”

You know, I never understood why or how people fall in love with their city – it was such a weird concept to me.  But then it happened, one night taking the (now extinct) 17 to UBC over the Granville St. bridge after a night downtown, I fell in love.

I think it had something to do with the way the lights reflected off the water, and the busy city just seemed peaceful for a second.  I live for those moments where amongst the chaos of everyday life, it seems like time stops for a second and all the puzzle pieces just seem to fit – everything for a split second makes sense.

That being said, we’re not a perfect couple.  You have your dark side; the months of rain, the astronomical homeless rate, just to name a few.  But even with all the imperfections, I am still in love.

I love the shared joy in the city when the Canucks score with 14 seconds left in the third – I love I don’t even have to watch the game to know we won.  I love that flowers start growing in March, not June.  I love that it’s always green and that on any given day I can see eagles fly over the ocean and watch a tug boat pull logs across the bay.

I love that for once, the city is exactly like the postcard.

I love the people I’ve met here, and the experiences I’ve had and continue to have.

I love that you support my caffeine and sushi addiction.  I love that I can walk down the street and see Lulu Lemon wearing yogis, dread locked and birkenstock-ed hippies and high-class suit wearing business people.  We need to talk about your street food though, I think it’s best we negotiate that you should probably stop this.

I love that when I take the 99, I don’t understand any of the conversations going on around me; I love the ethnic mix.  I love being anonymous when I walk down the street, yet still have the chance of running into someone I know.

I love that my social life is a mix of acquaintances and best friends.  Here, I’ve learned that family isn’t always biological.

So Vancouver, even though at some point in the future, I may leave just rest assured it probably wont be fore long.  I know you’ll be here when I get back.

(Aside from the possible ‘big one’ earthquake.  If that happens, I’ll make this your obituary)

Yours with love,



2 Comments so far

  1. Sarah on May 27, 2011 5:56 am

    This is exactly how I feel about Vancouver! This ethnic diversity,this chance to be yourself, yourself! nopt someone’s friend or someone’s daughter, the experiences, the beauty….uuhhh vaaaan

  2. Kat on June 6, 2011 10:24 pm

    This is amazing.
    I moved away from Vancouver for my boyfriend, but every day I miss it.
    I’ve never been anywhere like Vancouver, and I don’t think I’ll ever be “home” until I’m back in the city I love.

    Vancouver <3

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