Sometimes, you just miss where you’re from.

For some odd reason today, I miss Dawson.  I don’t know why, I spent so much time working to get away from it, and when I went back I counted down the days till I could return back to Vancouver.

I think what I miss most is the familiarity of Dawson in the summertime, it’s my favourite time to be there.  Summer has always been a time in my life where everything is perfect.  I miss the comfort of the streets where I grew up on.  I love Vancouver, and it’s my home now… but sometimes you just miss the nostalgia of the place that raised you.

Even when life seemed so confusing at the time, being in highschool and living in a sea of hormones and bad hair cuts, life still seemed simpler then.  Everything was taken care of for me, I didn’t have to worry about having enough money to buy groceries.  I miss driving down dirt roads, listening to music and just not having a care in the world of where we are going or how we’re going to get back.  All throughout growing up, I never thought I’d say I miss Dawson once I left.  I was always going to turn my back and never turn back around again, but… sometimes you have to.

I think I am finally ready to return back to the people, the places, and the town that watched me grow.


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