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    Hello all!

    I have created a new blog!  I will not be updating on this one very much anymore.

    I have LOVED my time being apart of the Blog Sqaud and brining my first year experiences to the internets to help other prospective students, but I decided a new year deserves a new direction.

    To see my new blog (and put it in your bookmarks.. yes?)

    Follow this link!

    When you’re lying in bed, drifting away to a song you rediscovered you love.  Floating along the melody and the rhythm becoming your heart beat.  The world around you slowly melting away; all that matters is the words and the music till you fall into a slumber.

    Or when you’re with a group of friends and everyone is so blissfully happy, and you can stop for a moment and you get to see the perfect picture of smiling people, with no worries.  Just free, peaceful and happy.

    I love that feeling of driving down a secluded road, with music playing too loud and maybe going a little too fast.  On a summer day with the windows down, and the summer air rushing through.

    I love the feeling when life makes sense, when the inner workings of the world seem to stop for a second and you can just take that one easy breath.  All the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit and what you need to do tomorrow doesn’t matter, because the most important thing in that second is how you feel.  It’s those moments that make life worth striving for.

    Okay, I’m going to admit it… I neglected updating pretty much all summer.  I took a wee break,  I apologize.  Now it’s four days till I take the trip back to Vancouver from Dawson to embark upon my second year at UBC.  Essentially I have come full circle since I started this blog last year.  It all seems like a blur actually, I can’t even put myself back into the mindset that I was last year when I started; reading those posts are almost like reading a strangers words.  Not that I’ve changed so much that I’ve lost myself, just that I’ve changed enough to understand that I’m in a different state in my life right now.  That being said, it doesn’t mean I’m not just as nervous for this year as I was for last year… it’s just a different kind of nervous.

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    I’ve always been the girl with a plan, from A to Z I knew what I was doing and how I was going to get there.

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    This is not my city.

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    Update: Thank you Tyler for pointing out the link doesn’t work anymore!  To view the interview, use the following links:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    I urge you to view both parts, it’s lengthy but worth it to get a full grasp of the interview.

    (click photo to see source)

    Words don’t begin to describe how utterly at loss I was while watching the SUN TV interview between Canada’s foremost interpretive/modern dancer Margie Gillis and Canada’s Sun TV “journalist” Krista Erickson.

    To view the interview, click here .

    As an aspiring journalist and as a human being, this interview not only offends me but also puts be somewhere between a protest and a rage blackout.

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    So, last night I got blitzkrieged by this guy:

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    Sometimes, you just miss where you’re from.

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    Dear Vancouver …

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    Home is where you hang your hat.  Home is where the heart is.  All these cliches tell us where home is, but since I don’t own a hat and my heart is firmly in my ribcage… this brings me to my question…

    What is home? And can we ever go back?

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