To Whom it May Concern, Hello, my name is Samantha Nock and I am an earnest and hardworking fulltime UBC student looking for a place to live for the up coming academic year.  I am not looking for anything fancy, just something to rest my head at, have friends over and do my homework in. […]

I was thinking today, about hindsight and how about it’s always apparently 20/20.  Then I got to thinking, and wondered, if I travelled back in time… what would I tell my 14 year old self?

Vote, vote, vote!

Posted by: | March 30, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I hate you say I told you so… but… If we want change, we are going to have to make it happen ourselves.  Make an educated vote, read platforms, understand the policies, go into the booth and check your ballet with as much education you can on selecting the best candidate YOU think would be […]

As I sit in the basement of the SUB, in the no man’s land by the IRSA office and the UBC Pre-Dent office and eat my daily Honour Roll lunch of spicy crunchy roll and chicken teriyaki rolls, I’ve pondered a few things: -How terrified I am for finals – My reply to Timmy Wong […]

Elections, Ahoy!

Posted by: | March 25, 2011 | 5 Comments

(photo source the Today was a historic day for Canada – the Harper regime (ahem sorry… ) the Harper Government was found in contempt, and was given a vote of non-confidence in the HOC.  The vote was set in motion by the Liberals – Michael Ignatieff to be specific, due to the Conservative’s lack […]

Caring is Creepy

Posted by: | March 19, 2011 | 3 Comments

I don’t pretend I have all the answers, I don’t pretend that I even know the questions I am supposed to be answering.  Life is a funny, fickle, friend and like any friendship there are goodtimes and there are bad times.  If you would have asked me this time two years ago where I thought […]


Posted by: | January 24, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Life, it can be a none stop roller coaster ride of friends, love, drama, school, fun, and everything else in between.  Something I’ve noticed this year, is that it’s so easy to get caught up in it all, and forget to take those little moments out of your life to just stop, evaluate and be […]


Posted by: | September 27, 2010 | 1 Comment

In the Western world, we live our life in shoes.  Our shoes are stories of where we have been, what we’ve been through, and are going to be with us when we go through even more adventures.


Posted by: | September 24, 2010 | Leave a Comment

When you come to university, expect nothing.  When you expect nothing, it makes the first few weeks so much more easier to take.  When you hold certain expectations to something (ie. university) then you’ll either be confused or disappointed that your expectations weren’t met.  I apologize with my tardiness of updating, these first few weeks […]

Squirrels the Size of House Cats

Posted by: | September 5, 2010 | 3 Comments

I’m here! Finally.  After fifteen hours in a car, staying in a spider infested room, eating Hungry Herbie’s in Cache Creek, driving through the Fraser Canyon, and getting lost in Vancouver… I am here.  Moved into my dorm and adjusting.

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