To Whom it May Concern,

Hello, my name is Samantha Nock and I am an earnest and hardworking fulltime UBC student looking for a place to live for the up coming academic year.  I am not looking for anything fancy, just something to rest my head at, have friends over and do my homework in.  I don’t expect a jacuzzi or a penthouse, or the place Blair Waldorf lives in – I just need a place to live.

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I was thinking today, about hindsight and how about it’s always apparently 20/20.  Then I got to thinking, and wondered, if I travelled back in time… what would I tell my 14 year old self?

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And then it all hits you…

Posted by: | April 19, 2011 | 4 Comments

Well, here I am…

Approximately 600 cups of Ethical Bean coffee, 10 marbelous cookies, 12 all nighters, over 10, 000 written words, countless friends, a couple bestfriends, a couple burnt bridges, eight months in Shuswap, +40 trips on the 99Bline, countless nights of laughing, and a couple nights of crying, and I am in the airport waiting to go home after completing the last final of my first year of university.

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Vote, vote, vote!

Posted by: | March 30, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I hate you say I told you so… but…

If we want change, we are going to have to make it happen ourselves.  Make an educated vote, read platforms, understand the policies, go into the booth and check your ballet with as much education you can on selecting the best candidate YOU think would be best fit to run our government.


“Bad governments are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.” – David Akin

As I sit in the basement of the SUB, in the no man’s land by the IRSA office and the UBC Pre-Dent office and eat my daily Honour Roll lunch of spicy crunchy roll and chicken teriyaki rolls, I’ve pondered a few things:

-How terrified I am for finals

– My reply to Timmy Wong in my comments in my last post

– The size of the spicy crunchy rolls

– The impending end of my first year

and finally, – how dungeon like the basement of the SUB is.

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Elections, Ahoy!

Posted by: | March 25, 2011 | 5 Comments

(photo source the

Today was a historic day for Canada – the Harper regime (ahem sorry… ) the Harper Government was found in contempt, and was given a vote of non-confidence in the HOC.  The vote was set in motion by the Liberals – Michael Ignatieff to be specific, due to the Conservative’s lack luster budget presentation … amongst other mounting aggravations.  The two other leading opposition parties stood in solidarity with the vote, and with some yays, clapping, heckling and paper throwing, Canada may (hopefully) enter a new era.

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Caring is Creepy

Posted by: | March 19, 2011 | 3 Comments

I don’t pretend I have all the answers, I don’t pretend that I even know the questions I am supposed to be answering.  Life is a funny, fickle, friend and like any friendship there are goodtimes and there are bad times.  If you would have asked me this time two years ago where I thought I would be, I would have answered in Alberta going to university in Edmonton.  Now, I moved to the coast and am living in Vancouver going to UBC and I love it.  It has been nothing I wanted, nor anything I expected it to be.

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Posted by: | January 30, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I measure the moments in my life that take my breathe away or make me just stop by music.

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Posted by: | January 24, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Life, it can be a none stop roller coaster ride of friends, love, drama, school, fun, and everything else in between.  Something I’ve noticed this year, is that it’s so easy to get caught up in it all, and forget to take those little moments out of your life to just stop, evaluate and be truly thankful for where you are and the life you have.

I understand, that not all of us came from the best backgrounds, I get that, trust me.  But, for those of us who had less of a stellar start and for everyone else, this is the time in our life where we can decide how we want our lives to go.  We are, for many first years, out on our own for once and now we can start making decisions that will shape a better, healthier, happy life.  Now that being said, it’s easy getting caught up in being a first year… especially if you live in dorms.  The realization that there is life beyond first year is astounding.  It’s like that feeling you got in highschool… there’s life beyond it.  It doesn’t matter how much fun you are, or are not having right now in your dorms… there is life beyond the cement walls.  And this life, unlike the life we had last year, is pretty much completely blank.  And it’s amazing.

So, essentially, what I’m saying in this short, long overdue blogpost is…

Don’t regret doing what makes you happy, put your life in perspective, and take moments out of everyday to just stop and find beauty in any situation you’re in.

Peace, love and all that stuff,



I already broke one of my new years goals… But hey, I’m taking six courses.

A New Year & A New Semester

Posted by: | January 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

Sam’s Totally Guilt Free New Year’s Resolutions*

1) Pull up my socks in the academic sector of my life.  You see, this winter break as I got my exam marks back I didn’t do so swell in the academic portion of my life.  I thought for a while that I was not joining the rest of everyone’s shinny faces in the second semester.  I had a break down and a bit of a panic attack.  I felt that this thing I had worked so hard for was slipping away from me.  You know, it’s true that you never really appreciate something until it’s almost gone.  I couldn’t imagine my life without UBC, and all the opportunities a post secondary education would bring me.  This lesson of a horrible first semester academically helped me renew my drive for what I want to do with my life and also helped me really see why I’m at UBC and what I need to do to keep my dreams a live.  It’s so easy to get caught up in everyday life and forget what passions really drive you to become that person you strive to become.  I’m starting out this new year and this semester with a whole new vigour.

2)  Seek balance.  Balance in social vs. academics, health vs. indulgence, ect. ect.  Just be a more balanced person.

3) Be more organized!

4) Start really working towards what I want to do with my life after my degree.

5) Keep this blog updated weekly.

*Disclaimer: Sam’s Totally Guilt Free New Year’s Resolutions are kept guilt free by the fact that if I don’t complete one or two it’s not the end of the world.  Minus #1, there’s no NOT keeping that one.

So yes, there you have it folks.  New Year’s from yours truly.  As this semester gets rolling more and more I’ll have a more in depth blog post.  I hope everyone’s winter breaks were fantastic and that you’re all ready and rested for a new semester.  I hope exams went well for you all!  See you in class!

Peace, love, and epiphanies,


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