Daily Rate…

Posted by: | August 19, 2010 | 2 Comments

So, today at work I was thinking… how often am I supposed to update?  I’m a chatty person, who has an over active thought cycle, so I’m pretty sure I could find something to blog about on a daily basis.  Right now, my brain is UBC oriented, to the maximum, like if right now, my brain was one of those parabolas we had to graph in princ. grade 11 math, my curve would be above X axis… on the positive side (that’s about as much math talk as I can muster…) 

So here, freezing on this cool Dawson Thursday evening, I bring you a blog in two parts.

Part 1)  Why is it so cold!

<—– me being cold and blogging from my backyard.


Part 2)  Residence

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Fourteen Days!

Posted by: | August 18, 2010 | 9 Comments

So, I pack up (pack being the relative word) my belongings and move to Vancouver in fourteen days; that’s fourteen nights and one day.  You’d think I would be doing the responsible thing and actually packing my belongings, no?  Yeah… I’m not.  I don’t think I’ve even made a definitive list yet.  Perhaps I will just wing it the night before I actually have take off… that sounds like a terrible idea.  So terrible it just might work.   

Right-o, some background on where I am coming from here. 

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