Starbucks’ First Coffee Farm: Ethics or Expansion?

Posted by in Innovation, Strategy

Starbucks Coffee Farm

Photo courtesy of Starbucks Coffee Company

To a business, customers are one of the most valuable assets. Investors go in only if they know that there is a market demand for the product. Still, in an increasingly competitive business environment, is high profits alone enough to drive business value?

Milton Friedman’s answer is yes. My answer is yes…and no. Take Starbucks as an example. The largest coffeehouse company recently purchased a farm in Costa Rica. For one thing, the 240-hectare farm will “support growers and their families” and allow Starbucks to ethically source its coffee. At the same time, such grower-support program is giving Starbucks access to one of the world’s premium coffee.

The conventional wisdom is business ethics exist for the reason of corporate image. It is true that ethical sourcing sets out companies like Starbucks from its competitors. It is also true, however, that without developing innovative programs, farmers may not be committed to the long-term supply of high-quality coffee beans.

What did I miss when reading the article on Bloomberg? Business ethics justified within Starbucks’ own self-interest.

If you search news online, there are numerous businesses embracing social responsibility. We need to recognize that when consumers purchase a cup of Starbucks coffee, they search for incentives – be it exquisite coffee from Costa Rica or the way coffee beans are sourced.

The key is not to debate the doctrine of “social responsibility”, but to pay more attention to the interconnection within stakeholder interests. That interconnection is shaping how businesses operate in light of generating long-term sustainable growth. As Edward Freeman said, “you can’t look at any one of those stakeholders in isolation – their interests has to go together.”


Here’s an insightful HBR blog post on the release of Apple Pay. Yes, the iPhone 6 is impressive. But the Apple Pay, featuring contactless payment with a single touch presents a breakthrough for payment technology. It is the perfect example of industry collaboration – the new payment technology and the marketing of iPhone 6 altogether creates innovative change for the financial industry.