Introductory Post

Hi, my name is Samy Megalli. I’m from Seattle, WA, in the United States. I was actually born in Istanbul, Turkey, but moved to Seattle when I was three with my mom and older brother. My mom is Russian and Kyrgyz, and my father was Egyptian. He died in 2011. I’ve been to many places around the world, going to visit my dad and step family, as well as family on my mom’s side. One place I’ve never been to, but really want to go, is South America! My biggest interest is probably soccer, or fútbol. I love to play and to watch, and the team I support is my local team, the Seattle Sounders.

There is no particular reason why I chose to take Latin American Studies, other than it sounded interesting. Also, I really like history. I look forward to learning more about Latin America!

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