2014 Videos Response

I thought that most of the videos from last year were pretty well done, and that almost all of them at least managed to fulfill their main purpose, which is to provide the viewer with some information on Latin America. That being said, many of them did end up boring me, and I believe that had to do with either a lack of engagement from the speaker, a lack of engaging images, a lack of music, or some combination.

A few, however, did stand out, with one of these being The Terror. They spoke with a clear voice, and sounded like they had some interest in the subject, which in turn made me more interested. The videos they used were appropriate for the content, and overall you could just tell that they were prepared and knew what they were talking about. The use of music also really helped. Another video that I liked was Citizenship and Rights in the New Republics. This one had a pretty basic format, but I just thought that it was very clear, and managed to stay interesting. They used a lot of text to reinforce what they were saying, and I found this to be very helpful, as it allowed me to follow what was going on. They chose some nice music that, even without any videos, allowed me to stay engaged.

There were also a couple of videos that stood out as being below par. Speaking Truth to Power had a very basic format, with it being them just sitting in front of a camera, speaking without much interest. You could tell that it wasn’t very well rehearsed, and to add onto all of that I could barely even hear the second speaker. Another one that I thought was pretty poor was The Meeting of Two Worlds. I actually thought that the images they provided, with the information on them, were pretty useful, but other than that there wasn’t much to like about this video. The speaking to the camera felt unrehearsed, and there was just a general lack of flow, which often ended up losing me.

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