First Week

Image is Life as a Wookie by Nate Beaty

Well, another rousing Friday night in the life of a computer science student… though my quandary of boredom is not related to academic overload (for once). My boyfriend is a professor at an art school (I shall not say more, or else I’d be forced to cut out your tongue to make you guard my secrets) and is teaching a four hour class tonight that started three hours ago, with another one yet to pass. I’ve been whiling away the hours by reading about why Macs (purportedly) don’t get viruses, but I am indeed infected with my own virus (rife with irony, isn’t it… I have my fifth cold of the season) and running on about two hours’ sleep. So I figured that I’d share my misery with you guys since that is what a good blogger does.

Today marked the end of week one, and as far as classes that I really like go, I think I am batting around 2.5 out of 4. Or maybe like… 1.5. It’s sort of too soon to tell. I am enjoying CS320 with Patrice so far, mainly because he is a fantastic teacher and I really appreciate his structured teaching style. Plus the fact that he writes on the whiteboards vs. blazing through slides makes good use of my brand spankin’ new (though they’re already a bit chewed up) spiral notebooks. CS313 is ok… I mean, I got 90-something in CS213 and TA’d the material, for goodness sake, but I still feel like I don’t know anything about computer hardware/operating systems/assembly code, etc. A frustrating experience. This is also the first undergrad class our prof has ever taught, which can be quite good or very bad in my opinion. Time will tell with this one. CS422 is not bad so far… it is very project oriented, which I like. I have my fingers crossed that the material will be more interesting than 322. Finally, Stats 200 is seriously enough to put me asleep ten times over. I am bored out of my skull so far. That combined with the fact that the teacher has a very soothing, melodic voice and it’s my last class of the day usually means I am fighting for every ounce of awakeness I can.

Oh my god… Still fifty minutes left. I am so tiiiired…

One Response (Add Your Comment)

  1. I really appreciate.. My Ex boyfriend is back with the help of ____________R.buc k ler11 (( g ma i l… c o m ))..…????

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