Archive for Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love ___day

I’ve been grumpy as all get out today due to the routine morning cattle car (i.e. a ride on pretty much any bus that leaves from 4th and Alma), a distinct lack of coffee and two hours of mind-bogglingly boring lectures. All this piled on top of my baseline crabbiness generally turns me into a miserable, seething knot of misanthropy and misery and that’s never a nice feeling. So, I wanted to cheer myself up with a list of wholly cheerful things, even though it’s not Thursday. (Sickeningly positive, I know.)

♥ Passion Pit, Passion Pit, Passion Pit! My wonderful friend Euge “reminded” me of them as I, like everyone else, had previously heard their single “Sleepyhead” on the Little Big Planet trailers. It’s like an injection of sparkles and happiness to listen to them.

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♥ A clean room. Many people know that I am messy, but few people know the profound extent of my mess-making capabilities. For the past forever, my room has been akin to a disgusting badger warren. Essentially, it was just a nest of dirty clothes, unnecessary paper and old teacups. A friend wanting to come over put the fear of my secret being exposed into my heart and I tidied everything to perfection in the span of about three hours, vase of tulips and everything. This, I assure you, is a herculean feat considering how bad it was before.

♥ Chinatown. My friends Dave and Kit accompanied me to Chinatown where I spent way too much Christmas money on voodoo skull bracelets, barbecued pork buns and cute stationary (my kryptonite). I can’t wait to go back.

♥ Tumblr! is wonderful. So wonderful, and more addictive than Facebook.

♥ Things working out for the best. Last weekend involved a small family emergency, but everyone has turned out to be ok, thank God. I’m so grateful that I live close enough to my family that I can visit easily.

♥ Peppermint chocolate patties are so good.

♥ This (from my friend Brittany):

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Things I Love Thursdays

One of my favourite things about being on the BlogSquad is that I get to read things like Lillienne‘s Things I Love Thursday posts. Upon a bit more digging, I found out that this is actually quite a widespread routine amongst all sorts of bloggers, and I love the idea of espousing happiness wherever possible. I feel like too often, I only blog when I am frustrated or stressed out and, while I am undoubtedly a bit of a pessimist, I’d also love to be able to use this blog to focus on things that are wonderful and lovely and pleasing to the highest order. So, I figured I would take after Lillienne and do them myself! Without further ado, my very first Things I Love Thursday (replete with cute heart bulletin points):

One exam is over, and only three left to go. Ok, maybe it hasn’t been the greatest term ever, but one bad term is not the end of the world. What’s better is that in a few weeks, it’ll be a fresh new term. That not only means a new opportunity to set some goals but also… new school supplies! Eeek, I am such a sucker for notebooks and pens.

Christmas is coming! Apart from the vast amounts of chocolate I am almost certain to imbibe, this year I am presenting all of my friends with paintings for their gifts! All of their requests are turning out to be a total hoot to draw… one requested a unicorn, another requested a cat on a love seat (and let me tell you, “Siamese in repose on divan” is possibly my finest work yet) and yet another is stuck with the ugliest monster I can come up with (by default, since he didn’t respond to my “what do you want me to paint for you D:” text in time). I’m loving the chance to draw fun stuff again, and the fact that I get to give them away makes it even better. In fact, it almost makes me miss art school… almost. (:

❥Birthdays are coming up! My mom’s birthday is on the 11th, which means that I get to troop out to Langley to visit my family and my most handsome golden retriever and tell my mom how awesome she is (though she totally knows it anyways). Then it’s my birthday on December 29th which, at the very least, means I get delicious cakes as a “right on” for being born. Cake for doing pretty much nothing? Yes please!

❥My kitten is absolutely adorable and even if he is a pest, his belly is so round and irresistible to snuggle.

❥My friends are lovely and even though we didn’t get much studying last night in the CS labs, we took Photobooth pictures that were so hilarious that I was crying with laughter from the end. I haven’t laughed so hard in forever.

❥Bernoulli’s Bagels! Oh my god, yesterday before my exam I had their Bagelwich for breakfast (which is ham, cheese and egg) on a jalapeno bagel and… well. I have been thinking about it nonstop. I actually cannot wait until my next exam when I can get another one.

❥My friend Dave came up with an amazing drink to get at Starbucks- a medium coffee with two pumps of peppermint and two pumps of chocolate syrup. It’s just like a peppermint mocha but with less milk, so the flavour (and caffeination!) is even stronger.

❥I love having a roommate that I can finally be friends with, instead of one that spends hours in the kitchen singing along to Justin Bieber and watching that reality show about teen parents (and incurring my wrath in the process). Now I have a roommate who shares his snacks and has great discussions about Noam Chomsky and cereal at 3am.

❥Snow! We don’t have any yet, but the stuff we had awhile back was lovely. I hope we get some again soon. (It seems like our snow tends to come a bit later, like around January/February).

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