In response to Stav’s blogpost on Coke and Pepsi’s new ‘green’colas, I am writing about these companies’ new, ‘healthy’ beverages. Both companies have created ‘green’ colas, which are sweetened with a blend of sugar and stevia (a natural sweetener), allowing the companies to present them as an option for people who crave pop but also want to eat healthy. I agree with Stav that Coke has a head start over Pepsi because they started selling their product earlier, however I also believe that because Pepsi is only selling their product online, through Amazon, they also have an advantage.
Coke was the first company to release their new pop, giving their company the advantage of consumers thinking of them as the pioneers in the field of ‘green’ pop. Pepsi’s product, on the other hand, seems almost exclusive, as it is only available through Amazon, making customers order it online to try it. Ultimately, what it comes down to is whether Coke’s Coca-Cola Life or Pepsi-Co’s Pepsi True taste similar enough to their original products for their to be a demand for them at all. Only consumer’s taste preferences (and whether the opportunity cost for taste is worth eating healthier) and time will tell whether ‘green’ colas will succeed in maximizing profits for these two companies at all.