“A Dramatic Surprise on a Quiet Square”

Clumsy paramedics, shooting scenes, football players and motorcycle babes? What’s not to like? This is the reaction Turner Network Television (TNT) was hoping for as they launched their new cable channel in the Benelux region.

Advertising agency, Duval Guillaume, had the task of creating an advertisement to market this channel to the targeted Drama-Hungry Dutch-speaking Belgian market, who choose TV channels based on preference for action. For TNT it was diversification; this was a new convenience product, a line extension of a new Dutch channel different from all its other channels, launching in a new market.

The TV channel industry is in a mature stage, where there is quality TV at a reasonable price, with constant demand. With numerous TV channels, it is important for them to decommoditize though differentiation via the programs they offer. Through this advertisement, TNT hoped to build brand loyalty and a connection to their audience that would place TNT first in their minds and ultimately have them choose their channel over competitors.

For the Benelux people live at the quiet square, they were put in a position that created an unforgettable experience, stirred emotion and added more drama then they could ever ask for. For them, Duval Guillaume was able to take an intangible service (cable television) and put it in a tangible experience where people could touch and smell the action.

By compiling the best clips of the TNT experience, they were able to advertise to the non-present Dutch-speaking audience just how much drama TNT packs. Duval Guillaume increased TNT’s brand awareness, and successfully communicated TNT’s brand association with DRAMA across to the Benelux region. Unintentionally the advertisement went viral causing the rest of the world to think: Would I push the button?

In fact, some people got the opportunity to ask themselves that very question as TNT produced the sequel.

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